No consequences for ninja loot raid

So i have questions for some scenarios:

  1. There is one random raid leader who is just troll. He organise BH 10-25 raid.
    When loot comes he spam need on everything also on gear he does not need.
    Hunter wins plate. Just to make other people angry/ ID wasted by selling this drop for 10g or just troll.
    No consequences? What is sense going raid where u dont know this man intentions?

  2. There are 5 man premade (lets say 4 hunters and 1 warrior)
    There is plate drop. This 4 hunters (friends of warrior) spam need and this one warrior.
    One of hunters win loot, give then it to his friend warrior.
    What is sense for going this raid for any plate (or any other item) gear looters?

IF there are no consequences, this ninja raiders/trolls can read this topic, they see there is no any ban, and they will do this everytime

What is sense of this bull… game rules?

There should be BOT when you reporta player for ninja loot (u cant wear this drop, u gave need = ban). Or NO BOT, you have blocked option for need if u cant wear this item, then you can roll greed (to sell it) or dont have option for ninja like what the…

In scenario 1, since the loot system is set at Need/Greed all can select as they please. No ninjalooting has occured as Customer Support does not recognize agreements to bypass the Group Loot system and will not redistribute loot due to disputes between players.

In scenario 2, all players have equal dibs to the loot. They needed for their friend and still gave it away one could say they’re helping their friend instead of disenchanting or selling for gold so it still served a purpose. But no ninjalooting occured.

In later expansions the option to “need” for something you cannot wear from your class is removed due popular feedback and complaints from players but the retail fact that in dungeons/raids with PL/GL you’ll trade/sell to others still occurs so nothing really changed with the removal of “need”.

This is not considered “ninjalooting” in the slightest which is a community coined term. Blizzard will therefore not intervene in what you think is a loot scam but only what they defined as one.

What would be is for example if you have set Master Looting with very clear loot rules and then the Master Looter nicking all the items, you can make a scam report. The loot may be removed but not redistributed in any scam case though.

If you have feedback about the system you’re welcome to suggest it through the ingame box, but it was changed in later expansions so I don’t really see what you’re going to with that. Even weirder: You’re playing a loot mode you obviously don’t enjoy but wasn’t fixed with “need” removed in later expansions so what is the point?

it is exactly ninja loot. If not why next expansion have it removed?
because everyone know what it is same as Blizzard

You are going to raid, when everyone can spam need to items they wont be able to wear because they want to sell items for 8g?
This is totally sensless. 2 yellow adds give u that from thrash gray item.

Even if the raid have master loot raid leader can still troll after raid to sell items for 10g.
Disputes between players? You are getting robbed but u know this after the fact and 7 days ID.

Everyone know what is happening but u spit in face to honest players to assist damn thiefs

Never joina group loot BH.

Scenario 1 is fair, but scenario 2 is not.

"Need’ is not a valid/reasonable option to use on items you cannot even wear, e.a. hunters on plate items. I think it’s pretty reasonable to say that it’s unfair if 5 people collude on 1 item, giving non-colluders a disadvantage.

Nevertheless, I wouldnt ever join a pug raid with the loot set the Group Loot. Always have it be Master Loot and make the raid leader type out the loot rules for the raid in the raid chat. Screencap it and save it in case of incidents.

why not ?

you can disenchant it
you can sell it.

its is viable option.

its your fault if you join groups without master looter though.

This is the difference between theoretically and practically.

In theory, you can always press ‘need’ on anything you want, as long as the loot system is on Group Loot.

In practice, you will find yourself kicked from groups, raids, guilds, named and shamed and overall disliked due to being a selfish ninja looter.

Luckily, most people arent THIS autistic, even in WoW, and can understand this basic yet fundamental difference.

depend on guild/group.

reality is - most guilds dont care about it if it benefits them in any way . and if they are good enough.

how they benefit ? for example someone has tank / healer alt and gears up faster this way - then they can step in if such spec is needed.

was always like this.

its was a myth how guilds cared about reputations - good guild didnt have to care because they were swarmed with applicants anyway

Ninja looting in dungeons is annoying, but in raids? You can simply note the names of all participants and put them on your personal blacklist.

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