No crafting orders

OK, the public crafting order system is trash, nearly everything in there has no reagents and no gold. I have also advertised in trade chat, on Discord and in my server thread here. Nothing. It’s dead. Am I missing something here because this season I think I have crafted stuff for guildies and I have one regular and then nothing. At all. Put all this effort in, almost filled the whole of the leatherworking tree, have every recipe. Nothing.

What gives?


Several reasons:

  • You can craft gear for your alts using personal orders.
  • The weekly quests encourage people to accept no gold just to get that done faster.
  • Timing: Most of the requests come at the beginning of the patch so if you get your recipe now, you might not find buyers. I sold recipes even for 300 k gold on patch week.

Don’t really know how this is relevant. What I am trying to say is that I am trying to publicise my skills and everything is dead. Regardless of completing weeklies, people still need gear crafting and consumables, etc. But from my perspective, everything is dead.

Oh it’s simple.
Blizz did nothing after folks exploited the dragonshard of knowledge droprate from disturbed dirt piles and aquiring several dozens if not hundreds of knowledge points.

Also, once it became clear which professions will make the most money, folks simply gravitated towards those, and the market became “crowded”.

The icing on this diarrhea shake was letting folks post public orders without any resources whatsoever.

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The biggest insult is public orders lacking the button to choose quality even though blizzard CLEARLY has the technology for it since that option is available with private orders.

So this whole garbage system brings us back to → turbo-spamming Trade chat, tipping culture (while buyers have no clue of what to tip because the game doesn’t give them any clue since we can’t judge an estimate through the auction house anymore, that’s why I’m here reading threads to see if I’m getting scammed instead of enjoying the game), price secrecy, and therefore buyers just not bothering anymore with crafted items because this isn’t the primitive WoW Classic, and this isn’t America.

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