No daily quest from master tamers in Pandaria

Does anyone know what is up with this? I had 2 alts, one parked at Thundering spirit and another at Mor’uk. Neither is offering me a quest. My main alt, who has done all pet quest chains also doesn’t get the quest

(I was also over the pet cap for some reason so i’ve spent all my pet charms on the pet portal)

It seems incredible, but some people have had some parts of their pet progress reset. In at least some cases, it seems to have been triggered by buying a character change or transfer. We’ve had several reports of this on the Discord, and I’ve seen it on the forums as well:

I am so glad that didn’t happen to me. I would Freak! Out!

If you could just re-do the quests to re-get the progress, it would be manageable, but I see reports that people can’t, perhaps because there is a conflict between two internal systems keeping track of quests done, perhaps Achievement and actual quest numbers?

Make a ticket, citing this infomation. If you can’t do Mists dailies, you likely can’t do dungeons either. You could check that out.

thank you for the reply, I had moved a character (although not one I use for pet battling) I will look into the dungeon thing as well. I’ve had the non main alt doing the pet chain where you go battle the trainers throughout the expansions with no trouble, so i might be able to “fix” it that way

well going through the quests has got me the pandaria tamers back at least.

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I hope they fix all these problems soon, feels bad losing everything you have worked for

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It seems that people on na have got a fix on these problems, our turn soon?

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I do see reports of people logging in to find their characters fixed, and GMs sending Portals, recently in that thread. It’s promising news!

I got dc and I logged back in and got everything back, uuna hugged me back as well :slight_smile:

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