It can work, but depends on starting raid immediately, already having some members in a group helps faster raid formation, kick raid members that are in base or are stationary not at a flag, team co-op if lucky, early success helps retain raid members, raid leader needs to focus on leading, opponent numbers and their co-op level.
You can’t win em all.
I was too slow getting raid started yesterday, and didn’t have a pre-existing group. We lost, opponents did much better job. The biggest prob was lack of co-op. Players don’t seem to realize that if they are not standing at a flag, right at it, then they cause the battle to be lost. Outnumbered at flag? Go to another if not enough allies in area, but co-op needed. No co-op = lose. But that’s lfg, that’s random players already in shard. Clueless hehe, to be expected.
I’d say 75% of our not full raid were spread in zone doing nothing, large number at base doing who knows what. But those same players prob complain lol. I should have kicked them! But was splitting my time with flag defence. Bad leader!
Leader needs to focus on map, lfg inv list, stationary not at flag raid member kicking, prodding members to move and report incs, etc.
If you want to win consistently, start a naz battle community. That would require effort, but it’s a fact that with random players it’s down to luck if they co-op. A community could be 100% co-op. Depends how much you want to win, versus the effort.
Kinda like random bgs versus rated bgs. With randoms, you can expect sometimes a good co-op team, other times no co-op. Organized rated bg, co-op all the time. In a bg, you go to the optimum flag, cap, and defend it. In randoms, that often doesn’t happen. With co-op, you can win. Same applies in naz battle.
Unrealistic to expect co-op in naz battle. If it happens, you got lucky. Same as random bgs. But with a community, 100% co-op… or kick em out.