No fix for wm shard balance

What do you imagine Blizz would do to ‘fix’ shard balance. There is no fix.

Shard balance is variable for several reasons. Each one has no fix, it’s just WM.

  1. Player distribution in zone - even if you had exact 50/50 faction balance in a zone, you could still be 1 v 40 in any subzone. There is no balance possible when players can be distributed anywhere in zone. Players can distribute themselves how they want, perfectly fair.

  2. LfG groups - when a cross shard group forms, players disappear from their home shard, affecting its balance, and appear in another shard, affecting its balance. When group disbands, opposite happens. Shard balance fluctuates. If an lfg group unbalances shard too much, shard manager boots it from shard, doing its job. Both factions have same access to group finder, perfectly fair.

  3. Shard balance in progress - sometimes you will inevitably join a shard where the shard manager is in progress of adding more players to outnumbered side. It’s doing its job.

  4. Single faction shards - because one side outnumbers the other in region, shard manager puts excess players on single faction shards. Unfortunate, but shard manager is doing the right thing. Extra rewards for outnumbered is a patch, to try and increase the outnumbered faction and reduce single faction shards, but not a fix. There is no fix.

I don’t have the single faction shard issue, that would suck. But in general, I feel the faction balancing on shards is good. I feel outnumbered sometimes, other times not. If outnumbered, I simply get more in group or move.

WM is not a bg, it’s NEVER going to have perfect faction balance, and not even for shard manager reasons. Player distribution in a zone is the biggest single factor in balance on duel faction shards. There is no fix. That’s just WPvP.

If there is no fix, you have 3 choices.

  1. WM off.
  2. WM on, be unhappy with wm, but accept rewards.
  3. WM on and accept WM for what it is, chaos.

Your choice :slight_smile:


Just remove Warmode :slight_smile:

Sure, remove wm from game just because a few players can’t handle a challenge. Blizz do have a history of wanting to make gameplay easier for challenged players :slight_smile:

Nah, don’t remove it. Just don’t turn wm on if you can’t handle wpvp.

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Challenging :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Honestly you do come out with some crackers.

Spawn in some ai players that move towards places where ganking is happening. Then start despawning it as real players start appearing.

Bandaid fix I guess

AI could be good in PvE, for enemies that don’t just stand on the spot and let you kill them. But in PvP, it’s about player versus player, not player versus NPC. Outnumbered? The player makes the choice to fight or run. Why remove that choice? It would be bad for wpvp.

And you come up with some great lies :slight_smile:

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What lies are those bud.

Does that make you a liar special snowflake too?

You clearly don’t know the meaning of sarcasm, nor can you understand it.

So now you do lag?

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Cmon blizz, make this guy mvp…give him his green text. These ,wUrmOd Gud, KehOs gUd, posts needs to stop.

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  1. Accept that warmode looks good on paper, BUT fails on all levels. Currently WM frustrates those that turns it on for the right reasons and rewards those that turns it on for the wrong reasons.

No need for 4th, 2. basically covers that. Okay I’ll reword it. “2. WM on, be unhappy with wm, but accept rewards.”.

I detect sarcasm, yet certain players say I can’t!

I’ll stop when complaints stop :slight_smile:

See, I can be sarcastic too!

You are an amateur at sarcasm compared to Ahrmon.

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And what that guy said “Warmode looks good on paper” is prolly one of the best comments I have read in this mongo thread. haha, he knows pretty much that mostly Warmode is a huge fail and has split alot of guilds that was strongly into WPvP due to sharding which is a realm shame!

If that’s your point of view then it’s a huge fail to you. If point of view is that guild v guild wpvp has not been a thing for a long time before bfa, then wm would not be to blame for that situation.

There was some guild v guild at the very start of Legion but that’s about it so don’t talk about what you don’t know bud, thanks bye.

Why did guild v guild fizzle out after very start of Legion?

Then clarify for me - wpvp community ended years ago, long before war mode. True or false?

It died in Legion because of how legendaries was implemented and ruined PvP as a whole :woman_shrugging:

The Ai in AB brawl was pretty playerlike tbh. Better than the average player at least. Also it would still help a lil bit for the outnumbered faction

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The brawl ai was interesting, but I’d hate to see it in wpvp fighting on behalf of players, who could just be spread in zone wqing instead of wpvping. People seem to hate the idea of bots in general, so I doubt they’d be happy about a bunch of ai bots killing them in open world. Plus, it couldn’t be called pvp player v player any more. Player numbers shift per subzone, to me that’s just something to overcome or avoid.

But ai bots as a hazard in certain locations could be interesting. Since we already have fp and base guards, would be cool to have one or two ai bots at a base, replacing dumb multi spawning guards. Or, maybe ai bots at certain objectives that both factions are trying to win, as a better hazard than current npc mobs at assaults for example.

I found legendaries fun, how did they ruin pvp?