No floating damage text on targets?

Can't get floating combat text for enemies for some bizzare reason, I've tried everything I can think of including disabling every addon, deleting my wtf folder and cache folder, straight up directly editing the cvars, nothing, I can not get damage text to display again and it's driving me up the wall, anyone know how to fix this?

The most bizzare thing being that damage to me and healing to me are still just fine for combat text, only damage is refusing to display
Try AdvancedInterfaceOptions or these console commands
/console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 1
/console floatingCombatTextCombatHealing 1

Some addons like MSBT disable these cvars, then you'll have to toggle it in their respective options instead
Those are both things I have tried, none of them did anything, at all, what, so, ever..... and again that just adds to the driving up the wall factor, wtf is going on?


sorry for the slightly aggressive tone, i'd never even had MSBT until this happened, at which point I installed it to see if it would bring my damage up, MSBT does show my damage, but that's useless to me because it's not over targets and as a result it's nigh impossible to track who eyebeam is hitting which is pretty vital to me as a demonic demon hunter with the legendary head as my only option for increasing my dps atm.

If it helps at all the arcing and scrolling options do change what happens to the combat text but nothing I seem to do on my side changes anything in terms of trying to get damage text to display
13/03/2017 21:32Posted by Kïnkywalrus
MSBT does show my damage, but that's useless to me because it's not over targets

Scrolling combat text addons like MSBT can't modify the damage that appears over targets' heads (since it's drawn in the game world) so they are limited to scrolling the text across your screen, sadly

13/03/2017 21:32Posted by Kïnkywalrus
MSBT does show my damage, but that's useless to me because it's not over targets

Scrolling combat text addons like MSBT can't modify the damage that appears over targets' heads, so they are limited to scrolling the text across your screen, sadly

If you really want that functionality then you'd have to disable MSBT and use the default combat text by enabling those cvars again

I've tried and as mentioned, until today I had never once used a third party scrolling battle text addon other than what blizzard supplies as a default with the game, bizzarely enough, my damage is displaying now that I'm out of the raid, so yay I guess?

Further adding to the WTF?!"?!??! I just checked, and once I start entering the steps towards the Nighthold raid my damage disables???? but the second I reach the top of the steps leading down to the raid entrance the damage reenables?

Going to make a ticket about this as this seems like an open and shut bug case?? it appears to be entierly location based as I can have the text display or not display on the same mob simply by shifting my position slightly outside of the nighthold, however once the threshold is passed no damage displays, but once I walk back over that same threshold again the damage will start displaying again as if nothing was wrong.
Apparently you can sort of combine the Blizzard Combat Text (damage done) with MSBT, making damage done show up in both ways, or with the MSBT part disabled
13/03/2017 22:14Posted by Kïnkywalrus
I've tried and as mentioned, until today I had never once used a third party scrolling battle text addon other than what blizzard supplies as a default with the game, bizzarely enough, my damage is displaying now that I'm out of the raid, so yay I guess?
13/03/2017 22:14Posted by Kïnkywalrus
I just checked, and once I start entering the steps towards the Nighthold raid my damage disables???? but the second I reach the top of the steps leading down to the raid entrance the damage reenables?
Yeah, that's some weird stuff happening. I've heard about people in some places losing their Combat Text. I still have no idea what's going on there
13/03/2017 22:21Posted by Ketho
Apparently you can sort of combine the Blizzard Combat Text (damage done) with MSBT, making damage done show up in both ways, or with the MSBT part disabled
13/03/2017 22:14Posted by Kïnkywalrus
I've tried and as mentioned, until today I had never once used a third party scrolling battle text addon other than what blizzard supplies as a default with the game, bizzarely enough, my damage is displaying now that I'm out of the raid, so yay I guess?
13/03/2017 22:14Posted by Kïnkywalrus
I just checked, and once I start entering the steps towards the Nighthold raid my damage disables???? but the second I reach the top of the steps leading down to the raid entrance the damage reenables?
Yeah, that's some weird stuff happening. I've heard about people in some places losing their Combat Text. I still have no idea what's going on there

I've further FURTHER researched the issue and found out it seems to be unrelated to my own character in the sense that it doesn't matter where my character stands around the threshold where it starts happening, but rather where the mob is that's being hit, the second 1 of 2 mobs crosses it, they loose their combat text, but the others keep it, which seems to indicate that the mob has passed into something that is supresing or preventing the damage text from displaying as it should?
13/03/2017 22:30Posted by Kïnkywalrus
it seems to be unrelated to my own character in the sense that it doesn't matter where my character stands around the threshold where it starts happening, but rather where the mob is that's being hit, the second 1 of 2 mobs crosses it, they loose their combat text, but the others keep it, which seems to indicate that the mob has passed into something that is supresing or preventing the damage text from displaying as it should?

Hey, I'm trying to reproduce it. Do you know where exactly it's happening where combat text stop appearing over mobs' heads?

I tried the part just before the Nighthold entrance but it seemed to work fine for me

(This one was the top of the steps leading down to the raid entrance, but the mobs before that part also showed their damage text)
Hey man, were you able to fix your issue?

I have wxactly the same problem, damage text seems to turn off the moment i go down the stairs in nighthold and in the first 3 bosses. After that it re enables, from Spellblade on.

And it is not just damage, i for example used an ap token after Anomaly and it did not display the floating text for it.

Outside the raid it works fine, besides the steps leading doen to Nighthold entrance..
Fixed by disabling nvidia 3d vision driver.
23/05/2017 10:51Posted by Uglysham
Fixed by disabling nvidia 3d vision driver.

Strangely enough, thank for you helped
23/05/2017 10:51Posted by Uglu
Fixed by disabling nvidia 3d vision driver.

Absolutely everyone who has similar issues where the floating dmg/healing text doesn't appear ONLY in certain situations must read this.

For years I have been trying to find out why I cannot make the floating text appear in caves, high or low places in raids and dungeons.

Sorry for necroing but for me, not disabling, but uninstalling Nvidia 3d Vision controller driver worked like a charm.

I got floating text on target again!
thanks to you guys and this topic from LoL forums


It worked for me /console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 1
But I don’t know what the hell is with your 3D vision dirver, it’s very strange.

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