No Flying – “Because Immersion” – Now Alliance fight Jaina

I had a lot of fun in warmode without flying and the prices on herbs and flowers will get reduced by a lot when everyone can just mount up and fly around several times faster than anyone can reach on grounded mount

Personally I wouldn’t care if they let us ride for the entire expansion, flying is just an convenient addition

For quite a number of years this game worked on the basis that you got to max level you bought flying. Some of us have not forgotten this. Some prefer it some didn’t.

Your suggestion is as logical as me suggesting a driving game (for those who want to be grounded).


Oh hello again!
It’s odd to me to see people complain about empty realms and no socialization and on the other hand ask about flying. It’s contradicting and I’ll be honest that I don’t know whether the people complaining about the empty world are the same people that complain about no flying yet but it’s still odd.
I would definitely like to fly already with the scaling nowadays it’s just annoying I don’t have to explain myself further here I don’t think.
But I also understand the devs want us to see the work they did on the world, try to feel the story rather than fly through it as fast as possible.
Can I ask a question? How long did it take to get from 60 to 70 when it was current? And 70-80? Could it be done in 2 weeks like today?
What was it like in vanilla when flying didn’t even exist yet?


Flying wont make the world any more or less empty and from a PvP point of view you can dismount afkers or people trying to escape. As you’ve said sharding can make it pretty empty already, I see people at some WQ locations and not many people unless it’s fighting off an Alliance group/raid. Out and about in the world, travelling around I don’t see that many. Flying wouldn’t be any different to me.

We’ve seen that world on the ground, I’ve levelled through it nine times now. Even when we could fly only at max level we would repeatedly be on the ground levelling the next one. It’s also a beautiful world from the skies. One of the things I do straight away when I can fly is go and take loads of screenshots. I’ve done all my ground ones while levelling and world questing.

At present when I go to various locations for WQs I am not watching WoW. I get on a flight path come and read the forums :rofl: If I fly I can’t do that, I need to direct where I’m going.

I started in TBC so my levelling curve was pretty slow, everything was new and strange and I was learning my way round the game. A lot of the QoL things we take for granted didn’t exist then. I was new, I was a totally clueless noob. My first character was a Warlock. I am probably still the world’s worst warlock.

Wrath I levelled faster. I wasn’t doing the all night levelling thing like I do now but it took me several days, some people took their time, others levelled much faster. I wasn’t raiding seriously or anything so there was no rush.

I love when an expansion is new. You never get that brand new shiny feeling like you do the first time you do content. I do every quest I can find, I clear a zone completely before moving on. I explore everything possible xD. I read every quest, every hand in.

Alts are like what is the fastest route possible, or how can I vary this from the last one.


Sorry man, but you gotta compete with me for title of worst warlock :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I guess we have to disagree here about flying needing to be here sooner. This has nothing to do with flying in itself but BfA leveling is so boring that I don’t even feel like doing it with alts whether or not there is flying.
I wonder if the BfA content was a bit more interesting and diverse, people would be a bit more patient with flying because they were still keeping busy in the floor :slight_smile:

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It is equally bad for both sides if “immersion” and not artificial time gating is the goal of the developers.

There is work. Like a 9 to five. And then there is WoD pathfinding 2. The grind involved in getting flyin in WoD was insane. Legion not so bad. But WoD was a totally time and rep gated grind fest of the magnitude i wish not to ever do again. Loremaster, so go through all content. Then get the treasures and the reps as well with one rep only advancing through a painfully slow once a day quest and the other more or less only by killing a mob, sabers, ovr and over again for a good 15 hours if there is not a soul around to take your kills.

And then they wonder why people are not playing this lovely game anymore? When getting flying only becomes useable when it is useless to all but alts what is the point?

The only reason i even got flying in legion is that i found out that flying is transferable to new toons as soon as they hit the xpac. If i had to do this on every toon like we used to would shoot myself.

One more thing. Flying, to me, is that carrot at the end of stick that i am beginning not to care about. Its time and rep gated to prolong the sub. The immersion myth is that. A myth. Designed to keep you paying and playing.


Good good :grin: makes a grinch face.

Immersion was gone when they forced noble humans to cooperate with savage beasts like minotaurs, trolls, orcs and goblins~ multiple times.

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