No Flying – “Because Immersion” – Now Alliance fight Jaina

So one wonders regarding flying which is it they want to give players an immersive experience or just an excuse for timegating?

For me at least fighting Jaina as the last boss in the new raid while playing my alliance character is about immersive as going into the office and telling the boss I’m the King of Spain.


I’m under no illusion it’s because of “immersion”. It’s time wasting to up their precious minutes played. There’s nothing immersive about slogging around on the ground battling invisible and silly obstacles.


As far as I know, same is going to happen to Horde players too. Both factions will do their half of the raid first, then will do the other half of the raid as a flashback where they’ll play as members of the opposite faction.


This, plus the fact that I like having to work to get flying instead of buying it or having it handed to me.
I was really annoyed in WoD when it seemed like flying wasn’t going to be included, but was more than happy with the compromise and still am.

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It isn’t much of a compromise, you get it at the end of an expansion when you don’t need it.

Which is equally as bad.


At the end? How is it at the end of the expac? I used flying loads in Legion, plus your alts get it for free so you can level them with flying if you want.

Flying is not ruining immersion in the game in any way, that’s just stupid excuse for Blizzard to gate more content in the game, and to artificially prolongs the life of a expansion without adding much of the new content, and to force players to do more world quests which are boring.

We had flying for a long time since TBC, had it when WoW was on its peak numbers in Wotlk , in MOP , Cataclysm and it never did ruined the gaming experience for players.

Its also kinda lame how Blizzard is selling the mounts in the store which fly and how we can’t fly than in the newest content.


While I agree with Blizzard that immersion is a good thing, and that therefore flying should not be in the game, I really do understand why people see it as such a hollow argument given the state of the rest of the game.

The real reason why flying is bad is because it allows you to navigate in a 3-dimension way around a 2-dimensional encounter zone. Enemies are placed on the ground and challenges are set up to expect you to approach them from the ground. When you do not, the game frequently breaks. Now, there have been zones where this was not the case, like Icecrown, Vashj’ir, and The Storm Peaks, but generally it is the case.

But Immersion? When you’ve got stuff like this, the immersion problems with flying just kind of stop making sense to bring up:

  • Players are magically disappearing in the middle of PvP combat because they decided to join someone else’s group due to sharding
  • Different clients disagree on a ton of things about the game world, even when you’re right next to each other on the same server. For example, riding next to each other always results in your own character being in front of the other one, even if you’re next to each other to a 3rd party observer. They also won’t agree on the weather.
  • We literally have skyboxes that haven’t been updated since 2002, and several of them have bright neon colours in the middle of a standard forest. We also have cases where the grassy ground is literally glowing because the lighting is just that terrible.
  • Skyboxes, lighting conditions, time of day, and so on will randomly change for no apparent reason because you travelled 30 yards to the west or whatever.
  • The game world has an unclear amount of moons, even when you’re on Azeroth. Does Azeroth have 1 or 2 moons, and what do they look like? Who the hell knows! Most sources claims it has 2 (The White Lady and the Blue Child), but very frequently one of them just disappears because whoever made the latest skybox has no idea what he/she is doing.
  • People disappear and reappear randomly when you cross into different zones
  • People talk to ships captains and magically disappear on a pretty much constant basis, Captain Placeholder style.
  • When you walk into an area, a detached head may appear on your screen and speak to you, despite the fact that the speaker has no apparent magical powers and is literally dozens of miles away.
  • You can’t really take what your tooltips say about numbers for granted due to vast amounts of scaling.
  • When you go stronger, all enemies around you also grow stronger for no apparent reason - but to other people who are less (or more) strong than you, they appear equally strong to them - which means every entity in the game is different levels of strong at the same time. Don’t think about this for too long or your brain might explode.
  • Players frequently magically disappear and then later appear because their BG or arena queue popped. As the observer to this event, it makes no bloody sense. This is also a useful way of escaping PvP combat.
  • It is not unusual to see the same named, unique mob exist on top of 1-2 corpses of himself. This entirely defies immersive explanation.

And there’s many more that, frankly, are just quirky funny things that are just part of WoW. Some of the above is pretty serious though, and it will ruin your immersion as sure as day every single time you witness it.

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Where is this idea coming from? Blizzard have been time gating content for ages because they know full well if they don’t that we’ll consume all the content in under a week then complain for months that we don’t have more content.
The Lich King wasn’t available to kill right away, that didn’t happen until nearer to the end of WotLK, and yet people are talking like Blizz have suddenly changed the way they release content.

If you genuinely feel that Blizz are stretching out content to make people keep playing then why don’t you end your sub until the raid opens, or end it altogether and stop being a part of what you seem to hate. If you think it’s bad practise then don’t encourage it by throwing money at it.

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You won’t fight Jaina as your Alliance character. You’ll more or less be “shown” what happened near the end of the Battle for Dazar’alor and you will be changed to an appropriate Horde race for the remainder of the raid.

While the Horde will be changed to Alliance races for the start of the raid.

Man, you guys will try to poke at everything to get your precious lazy ways back asap

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I believe that’s incorrect.

I think the Alliance will do the first parts as their Alliance characters, and then play the Horde counterattack as Horde characters. As a “this is what happened after you left.”

While the Horde will arrive on scene after the attack has begun and play the Alliance attack as a “this is what happened before you arrived”.
Then they’ll play through their counterattack.

This is to make sure no faction has the upper hand for a world first clear.

At least I think this is how it’ll go down. I seem to recall hearing it somewhere.

Wrath had four full raids and three (or was it four) mini raids, coupled with new dungeons coming out with each content patch. Content patches in Wrath had more than Blizzard have been releasing lately with entire xpacs.

As for flying keeping us from eating up content, I have been back only 6 or 7 weeks. I have pathfinder done, the new “content” patch completed, raid cleared on heroic, and all I have left to do now is find a decent M+ group.

I was so bored when I logged on today I actually went back playing LOTRO for a while.

Apart from raid content they are putting out a shell of game and that is the only reason they won’t allow flying.

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Again, I like not having flying right away, or even a few months in, I like being grounded for a while, it makes me appreciate flying all the more. So maybe the reason they won’t put flying in yet is because some of us are actually enjoying the game the way it is, or, y’know, just because it’s their game and they can’t do what they want with it.

At this point it feels like there is little point in having no flying. We’ve done the grounded exploring. It feels like they make us wait forever.


Yeah I really cant wait till all my scenery is skybox. Such invigorating scenery gives the backdrop of my time in game the sense of wonder and adventure I crave.

Just let us fly already, the world you created is horrible and the best thing to do with it is to fly over it.


Even though its one of the best the art team have ever created. k

If you all want flying so bad why don’t you play a flight simulator instead?

well. Jaina will live. Rastakhan will die. And both horde and alliance players will fight both of em.

Get over it. IF anything, horde is actually feeling it worse.

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