Idk, i am not a game developer so you’ll have to ask Ion that to find out
I had hoped the portal room would open the world up for speed travel, not forcing me to traverse a world that has become tedious, repeatative and boring this seems backward.
I do not wish on top of doing WQ’s, Instances that repeat over and over, Time walkers that are old content, old content instances that are now a slog and rather than pop in farm a mount and leave, it now takes longer to kill bosses, though they dont kill you generally, it seems what used to take 10 mins to clear an instance, it can now take that long on a old boss, How blizzard seem to think we older players love flying over old content we have been playing for years beats me.
In my humble opinion, what made it for me, was when i needed to get to old content, and repeat the same content again and again, i could atleast get there fast, was the portals.
I had hoped and see no reason why portal rooms should not be in all major cities, going back and forth, opening up the already dead cities would have been ideal, jumping on a mount and making me fly from Stormwind to Ironforge, is just so Tedious.
And so before anyone says its my choice i could simply cancel my subs, I have.
I Hope Blizzard realise slowing down content doesn’t make is more enjoyable, just more Tedious.
Think it’s better to just link my comment instead of repeating it: Rearranging and Removing Portals - #592 by Destruct-runetotem
Yes the world isn’t bigger it’s just takes more time to get to farm places we have been soloing since Cata/MoP/WoD. It’s just to get us to spend more time doing the stuff we always did.
The only workaround that works for me is having my paladin go to Shattrath for free eleport to CoT (the rest never did reps). Same for Karazhan as she is the only one with Karazhan ring etc. Shame, this is a shame, farming Stratholme was so quick on DH, rogue and monk but not gonna bother mages for a portal. Winterveil and Love is in the Air dailies are now bad to get to as Alliance aswell. For my Hordie? Yeah… Karazhan is suddenly very far away! But atleast the portal Pandaria is easier to get to as Horde (all raids are in the northern half) than Alliance (screw you, we could have done shrines but screw you! - devs).
Seems this mage will be the main pet farmer for Pandaria followed by my Hordie!
Talk about brain dead. You now expect players to travel on zeppelins hopping between zones taking up time to places to hand in a bloody time warp quest which they could do previously with a couple of clicks? No wonder you’re cutting jobs with decision making like this.
And no, i didn’t take the zeppelin i abandoned the quest because quite frankly i couldn’t care less. If i wanted the classic feel back i’d either go on a classic private server or be eagerly awaiting your version of classic, which i’m not, as it wasnt the “awesome” some/most people remember it to be, it was so, clunky and took up far to much time to do simple things, sound familiar?
This is going to add up to a lot of extra time in the long run, the Karazhan portal going is the one that is going to sting the most, and yes i know you can use the teleport from the ring, but not every character has this as is not account wide similar to the Timeless Isle neck.
Could we at least try to meet part way and have the portals put you in the middle of zones so there is not an unnecessary extra amount of time just to get to old content for tmog runs?
Get it then?
It takes 2x Karazhan runs, for a total of less than 20 minutes (plus you’re doing Karazhan anyway, so…).
If time is of the essence, then surely that is worth the effort.
You well know it takes weeks, and for Alliance it’s even worse:
-Access to dungeons in Northern in EK
-Valentine holiday.
For Horde it’s only dungeons (although karazhan is in it) but atleast they have fast access to holiday events. These portals need to be brought back simply because they were portals designed for the dungeons in said expansion. Dalaran should get the portals in it’s portal room back, Shrine can be discussed but I rather have this change. For every char who unlocked the Shrine through questing the portal will change from villages to Shrine.
And too many portals? Well lorewise this is the Dalaran during the Legion invasion. Same as how Old Dalaran exists at the same time because the continent is stuck in WotLK times.
You’re assuming the user is teleporting there to use Karazhan, in most cases is a faster way to travel to the continent, also the point was the account wide part, doing that on lots of characters can take a long time which wasn’t needed before hand, is simply adding extra time for no real reason.
However this is not to say i don’t see your point, i just not agree this change was needed.
It’s great they gave back Caverns of Time but they shouldn’t have it taken away in the 1st place, Horde is now covered (if we count the portal/teleport to UC). But how are Alliance reaching Northern EK easily for holiday events? Bring back Dalaran Crater.
I know this sounds retarded but and you shouldn’t have to do it buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.
The new Pet Battle Dungeon is Stratholme so I guess you can just invest some time to getting level 25 pets (which counter the Dungeon obviously) and get a free teleport up to Northern EK by that way?
Shouldn’t be needed aside of it most people (including me) don’t wanna bother with pet battling anymore or ever did.
It shouldn’t be needed no, but there is at least a possible Teleport up there.
I doubt Blizzard will give any more compromises to this portal situation as the backlash behind is has basically died down but at least there is some sort of way to get there.
If you don’t wanna’ do it then fine, I am just giving an alternative to fill up the gap rather than leaving it empty.
Go to Stormwind
Fly south to Booty Bay
Talk to War-Mage Ellalier for a teleport to the Western Plaguelands (he’s below the Flight Master)
All of hese solutions which still increases time taken or forces you do pet batteling to talk good the removal of portals for no reason… Even ignoring that with UC Horde now once again have 100% access (barring karazhan, Shrine or TB but those are closeby for them anyhow) where they still shafted Alliance. Good news is I can become filthy rich during winterveil and Love is in the Air. Bad news all my other chars are screwed. Yes Karazhan is as far from SW or Orgrimmar, just go to the Dark Portal. So 0 advantage there aswell.
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