No flying in 8.1.5, but some portal removal

Thanks Blizz, removing all the portal added in Legion, what a great move sarcasm inside.
What about people leveling? What about those still doing retro content?
And cavern of time too? What did those portals hurt?


No more ironforge portal, guess we’re using the tram.


Also guess my mage will get lots of work now, good, good.


Well if you’re leveling, then you don’t really need to be porting around between continents all the time. You’re usually just going through one zone, one continent, and one expansion at a time. And you’ll obviously still have the means of traveling you need.

For people who love doing old content, then you can acquire a number of items that makes it easier to travel around the world – in addition to the convenience provided by the portals.

The Time-lost Artifact trinket can teleport you to the Timeless Isle. A quick way to get to Pandaria.
The Blessed Medallion of Karabor can teleport you to Shadowmoon Valley. A quick way to get to Outland.
Argent Crusader’s Tabard can teleport you to the Argent Tournament. A quick way to get to Northrend.

There are a myriad of items like these that make traveling around the world very easy. You really don’t need all those portals. :yum:

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What if you want to get your Legion mounts? those portals where pretty useful for Legion content.

What does it bring to have to fly to Cavern of time when you had a portal since WOTLK?


Use your Dalaran Hearthstone and you go straight to Dalaran in the Broken Isles.

Not sure about Caverns of Time. Right now I use the Uldum portal.
I guess a substitute would be Boralus/Zuldazar and then take the portal to Silithus and fly from there. Roughly the same distance.

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I don’t understand why for the love of it Blizzard insist so adamantly to keep their archaic way of moving around in the world. Do they have such a small world and so little content that they have to encumber their player’s movements at every opportune moment?

Elder Scrolls: Online, Final Fantasy 14, The secret world, Guild wars 2 and even Runescape 3 has a way of quickly teleporting to an area. Only requirement you have is to visit that area once to unlock that teleportation destination.

But no, in WoW you have to be AFK on a FP to get from A to B. Are we playing a game or a travel simulation? What’s next, that we have to subsequently press 2 keys to get the bloody FP mount to flap its wings at the correct time?

This just grinds my gear, of all the MMOs I’ve played over the years, WoW has stuck with the most stupid way of transportation ever.


I think it’s a matter of taste. I personally don’t want too much ease-of-transport in games I play. I think it makes the game worlds feel smaller than they are, because you only see A and Z and not everything in-between.
Especially in RPG games I think there’s a lot to be said for the importance of traveling.
But to each his own :slight_smile:


I never pay attention to the things around me when on a FP, mostly because I’m alt+tab to some newspaper while waiting for the game to load me into the right zone. it’s like the old PS1 games.

They could have the FP in the game for people who enjoy looking at the same thing over and over again, and add teleportation system for those of us who just wants to get to our destination and play the game.


So flying vs. teleporting?
How about the current choice, which is flying vs. running?

Players will always opt for the fastest option, that goes without saying. That doesn’t mean you should present ever-faster options just because you can. At some point it’s worth preserving the sense of size and space of the world, and not just reduce it to points of interest that you can teleport around between. That’s Diablo, not WoW.

That’s the portals removed. The ones to Karazhan, Dalaran Crater and so on…

Well thanks I still know we can fly from one point to the other :roll_eyes:


I’ve never felt that any of the worlds in the MMOs I’ve played, have been small, just because they had teleportation systems in them, on the contrary actually. It all depends on what they fill the world with once you’re there.

And that’s a major problem in WoW, it might be pretty but it’s rather devoid of actual content in the zones.


If you look closely you’ll notice that Stormwind Portal room has exactly one portal for each continent except Eastern Kingdoms(it’s located in EK) and Zandalar(it’s enemy land). You can also notice simillar pattern for Orgrimmr Portal, one portal for each continet except Kalimdor and Kul Tiras.

It definetly streamlines the traveling but I think they should include portals to key locations like Ironforge, Thunder Bluff and Caverns of Time at least.

But also if they remove portals to Karazhan or Dalaran Crater then I wonder did they rememer to alter the artifact aquisition quests. Plenty of them told you to use those portals.


Agreed, if they want us to fly around the world, better give us better reason to do it than “we removed the portals, just 'cause”.


This is one of those mind-boggling changes that I just can’t fathom. The removal of so many old portals without putting replacements for them in the new portal room seems to defeat its purpose, turn something that should’ve felt exciting into a major bummer, and reduce the incentive for players to engage with older content.

As an example, one of my favourite activities to kill time with right now is to run Karazhan and take a shot at getting the Midnight mount. This can fill an easy half hour or so if I do it with a few alts, and there’s almost no downtime thanks to how quick it is to hearth to Dalaran and then port right to the instance. But without the Karazhan portal, I’m just not going to do this any more. I like farming for this mount because I can spend most of the time I dedicate to it actually playing the game rather than waiting on a long flight path or pointing my mount in a direction and waiting for it to arrive. Killing the boss for the mount only takes around five minutes, give or take, so if I have to spend five minutes just getting to the instance, then I’m spending half my time doing something completely dull and passive.

If content becomes more time consuming and tedious, then I’m not going to play for longer just to wait out the tedium every time; I’m going to stop doing it. One of WoW’s greatest untapped strengths as an MMO is the sheer amount of content it has compared to anything else on the market, yet rather than encouraging players to engage with that content, changes like this push them away from it. It just seems so backwards and self-defeating to me.

Also of note, it makes all those portal items to old cities we’ve saved up over the years feel even less useful now. The Dalaran hearthstone remained an incredibly useful item even after Legion ended, which is fantastic – the game needs more long-term rewards like this that don’t get thrown out whenever a new patch arrives. All in all this is a huge net loss for the game, and WoW will be just that little bit less enjoyable for it.


I must have misunderstood you. You asked how to get to the Legion mounts, by which I presumed you meant Nighthold, Argus, Broken Shore, etc…
The way to get there is to use your Dalaran Hearthstone which takes you to Dalaran on the Broken Isles. That’s Legion.

Well yeah. You’re nitpicking a bit now.
Right now you can ask an NPC to teleport you to the Caverns of Time (or use the portal).
In patch 8.1.5 you can take a portal and fly a little bit.
The difference in time spent is insignificant. Like I said, I already prefer taking the portal to Uldum and flying from there, rather than using the NPC (because the NPC is annoyingly located - which requires traveling on its own).

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I guess they will continue kill the game at any point they can.
Then we complain it is like =but dont you have phones=

Just add the portal room and leave the rest be or are you afraid you make worce job then the existing ones.


Hyperbole much or much too much? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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In other words, I’m losing the Darnassus portal to Darkshore/old Darnassus. Thanks… not.

Can someone go burn down SW already?


It is not like I will move around my 18 paladins to farm mounts then they do things like this. This is not to any help at all. The only thing they archive is closing down areas.


There’s a link to a blue response on the US forums because it seems like the EU forums don’t matter.

No, no and no, blizz.

Once I’ve done the world it doesn’t need to feel alive, once it’s done it has to be practical that’s why flying exists AND should be active already in BfA may I add.

Stop thinking you can make the world better by just removing practicality, it would feel alive without sharding and phasing but you seem so adamant about that that this is a dead argument from your standpoint from the get-go.