No flying in Shadowland AGAIN

If you’re not going to buy the expansion over something so small then you don’t really enjoy it anyways.

Flying this way is fine =)

No flying? Good!
Us rogues can have fun ganking again.

good, don’t like flying, ruins the world.

Honestly I liked completing Argent Tournament dailies. It’s world quests that are trash. You cant even fly to get them done quickly.

And people say it was Flying that killed Wpvp. WHo you gonna Gank when you have encouraged everyone to turn War Mode off?

Then this ain’t the game for you. Flying units have been part of the game’s setting since before Vanilla. In fact Vanilla was (and still is) the aberration, because it lacks elements we knew were present in the game. Not sure how it ruins the world, makes it even better in my opinion, more ways to explore, more magnificent views to see, that you just wouldn’t get from the ground. You can never appreciate the sheer scale and magnificence of some places, like Mount Neverest, if you are just slogging along on the ground, you can’t appreciate the artistry and design of it from ground level…

This said. Whilst I love Flying, I don’t think it should be given at max level, or for Gold. I’ll explain why;

Both ways destroy the appreciation of Content. If at max Level, you will get your types, and you know who I mean, your “Go Go Go!” raiders, and your people who only level via PvP, who would zoom up to max level without potentially having to see all,in fact hardly any actual Content.
If it is a cost in Gold, again, someone could just pool their characters money, buy it, and not have to do content at all.

Equally, I am not as short-sighted as to complain that it ruins World PvP. If you listen to that crowd, -everything- that isn’t sitting on a level flat surface, with no terrain ruins World PvP. Know how you can tell it ain’t flying? The hilarious thread during the start of WoD where someone complained Flying was killing World PvP. Rather than eating Humble Pie when told that Flying wasn’t actually in the game yet, they doubled down and said ‘Garrisons are killing World PvP’. It was then pointed out to them that people idling in Garrisons waiting for Dungeons to pop was no different to idling in Stormwind and Orgrimmar waiting for dungeons to pop. Every time they would come up with a new thread about what was killing World PvP. At no point did he say “Gankers killed it!”

War mode could have saved World PvP. What did people do? Camp Flightpaths ad nauseum and start ganking. End result? People started turning Warmode off, when in the Faction so outnumbered, Horde on RP Server types, Alliance on non RP server types. Yet we still have people insisting Flying kills world PvP… Ahuh champ, sure, so what was it killed it before Flying was available in BfA, huh?

Calling it a ‘Cheat Code’ and is a blatant misunderstanding of what a Cheat Code is. Unless you’re Gen X, you will never know the true joy of a Cheat Code. It isn’t a Cheat Code, Its Blizzard giving people a chance to see their world design from on high, as well as on the ground. It doesn’t kill Wpvp,

So what is the half way house? Because as much as I like Flying, it has to be earned. I’ll go with a few things I don’t want it to be, then give ideas as to what sounds groovy for it to be.

  1. Do not Gate it behind Dungeons/Raids. That is ridiculous. That’s the reason I have not unlocked Kul Tirans, because it is gated behind so many of them. (But Brigante you silly goose, that is Content! you may think. Yes, yes it is, which means that my potential to advance is based upon other people, who may or may not be having a crud day and go "Kick them, Reason: RP Realm) Trust me, that happens a lot more than you think… I don’t want my personal achievements locked behind someone else, If I earn something -I- want to earn it. Its not being anti-social,I mean good grief I play on an RP server, it is blocking my ability to progress if just a couple of people in the same dungeon are being A-Holes. Why should that restrict me?

  2. Change the Rep situation. At the moment if you want to grind serious amounts of Rep, you can’t. in Wrath, in Cata, you could grind rep to your heart’s content, with tabards. That’s the thing. If I -want- to grind Rep, to unlock something, then I have that choice, If I choose to spend six solid hours doing so, I should be able to do so. Putting an arbitrary number of WQ’s in, with pretty pitiful rewards in Rep unless it is Emissary day, isn’t increasing people doing content, it is making them go “Oh well, I can’t advance any further today, might go level an alt…”

SO that’s the bad aspects of the current system, how I reckon it should be is this.

Warmode On =No Flying. But that’s a strict, no Comesy Backsies rule. if Warmode On=No Flying, all those kicking their heels about Flying ruining World PvP have to accept that it didn’t, if World PvP becomes scarce again, and have to look for a different scapegoat.

However. To Achieve Flying, I would propose the following.

  1. Max level for the Expansion.
  2. Completing every new Zone Major Quests (You know, we get an achievement per zone for doing the six or seven major quest chainlines, that basically)
  3. Having explored fully -every- zone on foot.
  4. If a Rep Grind is needed, no Timegating.

This way, if people -want it- they can work towards it, but they will have to experience all the new zones, and quests along the way, if they want to grind Rep, they can to their hearts content.

The only people it would disenfranchise are those who level by pvp or Radining, who really, aren’t doing in game content anyway, just those slices of it cut off from the actual game.

(True story, someone complained on the Story forum about Lor’themar Theron having done nothing, I pointed out that he was pretty active on Isle of Thunder. “Oh yeah? I never saw him there!” “What, you never…I mean that’s not possible, which bits did you do?” “Oh, just the Thunder King Raid” “Oh yeah, sure, he did nothing” “Exactly” “Apart from being the reason you -could- do that raid!”

Always amuses me when Raiders think Raids are the only Content)

We should work for it, but we should work for it at our pace, as we choose. Same effort, but just personal choice.

well when you say flying units HAVE to be part of the game (assuming ur referring to wc3) I feel that it’s down to interpretation. Just because some people in the universe can fly doesn’t mean players have to be able too. Additionally, you could percieve flight masters and quests in tbc where you fly a flight master gryphon and throw bombs as fulfilling that aspect of the world lore. So imo, it just comes down to WHAT game you want. TBC flying wasn’t good, but was the best of all because at least it cost a sh*t ton of gold as a barrier to entry (and it was slow, 310% is just stupid)

I won’t buy Shadowlands unless I can fly from day one. I don’t need the expansion, can enjoy the game without being 60.

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