No flying in Shadowland AGAIN

Q: How is flying going to work in Shadowlands?
A: Shadowlands will use the same system as Legion and BfA for unlocking flying.

Playing since 11 years, flying in BC, WOLTK,MOP, CATA, I invite all the PRO-FLYING to not buy the extension pack.

Make our voices rising together.


haha gl. /10char


Playing since 14 and a half years here,mostly on private servers,but…
I think flying should stay the way it is !
Farming some reps so you can fly is fine.
My personal opinion is flying kills the content in some ways.It is far more exciting when you have to go somwhere “by foot” dodging all the mobs and stuff rather than just click a button and fly safely to the other end of continent


Who honestly thought it would be any different? :smirk:
For real, all memes aside, who thought we will have this “outdated content skip” mechanic available right away? :smile:


I have played since 2006 and I am for the first time since that day I started seriously considering to quit, if artificial time-gatings to complete Pathfinder will be a thing again, currently known as reputation grinds with limited world quests every 12 hours. Let us be able to complete Pathfinder achievements and unlock flying the first day when Shadowlands is released and not a year into the expansion, and without these reputation grinds.


Totally agree.

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Flying is very bad design, it’s like having a teleporter machine that takes you anywhere you want. Flyers should be made to suffer through hundreds of hours worth of rep grinds.


I like the pathfinder system, but think they should make it much more difficult to get and have it fully available from launch.

The time gating part is what I hate.


im completely fine with no flying at the start.
flying makes the world gameplay feel like “gotta go fast! your too slow! come on step it up!”


Yeah! Lets all hear you complain about having to actually travel through the content rather than skip it! :roll_eyes:


Flying is good the way it is now.

Its a convenience you get when you are done with open world content.


Its ok. Land for half of the exp and after flyin.

The thing is that 90% of people, who state they do not buy - do it anyway. I’ve seen it not just with Blizzard games, but I remember the storm in other developers forums, when they made their 1st online game - people go NO NO NO, and year later most of them even purchased the overpriced subscription which is not even giving you anything, but over priced transmog-outfit.

So people tend to be more talk, and less actions. Anywhere and everywhere. Including wow-forums.


No thanks. I am happy with pathfinder. Just by playing through the content I got half of it done without even realizing it.


How? Lock it behind a normal raid or a mythic dungeon. Players, including the OP ,will flood the forums with tears.
Like it or not. The patfinder system is not that bad.

Back in Wotlk, flying was 5000 gold. A hefty sum back then. Took me ages to “grind”. Lets say they lock flying behind 1000 000 gold? How will that go down with people? some have it…some dont, others will spend real money to buy tokens. The forums will be a saltmine.

Imo…pathfinder aint that bad a system.


Nope. Pathfinder is not that bad.
If they remove it, they might gate it behind something much more tedious! Rather the devil you know…

I do not think majority who complain about flying are having problems with pathfinder vol1, but the part that was with 8.2 that was mind numbing timegate that was too much fun and people couldn’t cope with such excitement this time gated grind gave.


Why should other people have to “suffer” for using a mechanic that you don’t like?
You don’t like it? Don’t use it.


No have it so you need all reps that are at the start at exalted, find all the treasures, complete all quests.

Not have it locked behind raid etc, but something that shows you have spent a large amount of time on it.

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Just make it available at release. The wait till a .2 patch is nonsense.