This is quoted from Quora:
Why do I get depressive after playing PvP video games? I just feel like out of my control and trapped when I play them.
That’s EXACTLY what PvP and sports are. No matter what you do, there are things that are out of your control. Even more so in Team based PvP games (valorant, csgo, league of Legends, etc) and sports because you’re working with a team. In my opinion, quit competitive gaming as early as you can.
Take it from me. I used have about 900 or so hours in csgo as well as hundreds of hours in other competitive games. What I noticed in competitive team based games is that if you’re a solo queue player, it’s hard to work together as a team due to how much luck is involved.
Maybe your teammates suck or having a bad day. And if ONE of your teammates is falling behind, then the whole team falters. That’s why teamwork is key but you can’t do that if you’re arguing with teammates. It also helps if you have your own team but there will still be problems. Not to mention, having bad teammates can also stunt growth. And anyone talking about “carrying” people, yeah no that’s B.S. At the end of the day, teamwork wins unless everyone is really that bad.
Even 1v1 games (fighting games, chess, etc) can also be stressful and depressing. Probably more so than team based games. From my experience, you either meet people that were too easy to win against and you become bored. Or get frustrated and lose because your opponent was too good. I never felt like I was having fun while also feel like im being challenged in a good way. Instead I always end up on only two of the spectrums I mentioned earlier.
Honestly, as someone that played competitive games over the years and recently quit competitive games, it’s better to find a game you find fun. Competitive gaming is a waste of time and a never ending cycle of winning and losing. You will never be satisfied in a competitive game.