No fun in bgs with op healers

But what about tank demon hunters on flag-based BG’s?
My hands dropped when I saw a DH with 1.2 mil health, jumping through half a map while carrying a flag.

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Ive tried to adress this for a while. Both monks and DHs are SO far ahead of everybody else mobility wise that it completely destroys CTF balance.

DHs are beyond insane at crossing the map but ever try to kill a monk whos in his base? You basically need 6+ geared dps to kill if theyre good. (more if they have decent peels)

The guy puts port on top floor, jumps down below -> if too many jump he ports up, if too few jump he escapes on lower levels.
Guess what, you dont need JUST 2-3 dps on multiple levels, basically premade to know whos chasing vs staying on port, these 2-3 dps ALSO need to have individual mobility to run the monk down on their level. ( oh and this is assuming youre already at 5+ dampening stacks, else hes not even dying to this)

Now imagine this monk has people peeling. Oh and if youre playing on twinpeaks and a team with monk(s) decides to exploit the sideledge on alliance side you might aswell /afk out.

Honestly ring of peace needs to be disabled in BGs, the meta is to stack MWs because you cant capture objective/chase FCs vs ring of peace. And every BG has some exploitable ledge/tunnel you can completely block off with it.

(oh DHs can also semi exploit fly with speedboost/wings to capture deepwind gorge market 10seconds into the game, before normal players can get even halfway to it on mounts)

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If you dont like healers GTFO. Trinity system is wow signature feature without it it will be so stupid. Because clowns like you skirmishes are already ruined. So pls stop with this nonsence. Also r1 player can easily beat healer with 3 fingers playing on phone.


They could do -99% damage to players.

I wish they were like in other games. Have to cast big to heal big and have limited mana, not like now when a druid is about to die enters bearform and stay immortal by doing nothing.

Blizzard should remove dampening from arena and balance healers.

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No they cant lmao unless theyre a rogue / WW.

Also nice trinity you got here. Healers > dps. Tanks > dps. Tanks = Healers. Sick little trinity we have going on. Also my PvPing is done on a holypala so no bias here, atleast I can be honest about it while youre so clearly a healer main posting on alt to hide it.

But please, I love literally solocarrying BGs on a 400k hpala because I do 3x the hps that any dps except lock can keep up with. You probably have no idea how f’in horrible your average healer is.

I cant remember the last time I saw a priest with the 2 braincells required to just cast mind control in someones face to force a kick outside of arena. Also the problem isnt even that healers are just TOO good, its that theyre far too forgiving to survive on, too many 1cast fullheals in this game.

Problem might be more related to 70% versa corruption though, but you cant seperate the gear from the role.


If you are not supposed to solo healer then healer should not do the damage they do.


The OP healers isnt the problem…
The problem is the match-making.
On of the teams starts with 0-1 healers and the other with 3-4+.

Healers should be removed in PvP. They belong in PvE not PvP. Almost every single class except mages has self heal for god’s sake. I don’t see a reason why Healers still exist in PvP. Like for real, make PvP DPS ONLY, it would be more fair.

You do know you are not alone in this game and it doesn’t revolve around you?

And you have no idea how bad the dps are.

Somehow Blizzard decided that healers should be gods in pvp, I’m still trying to understand their logic.

Disc priests are the only OP healers.

All other healers are really weak.

Good one. :upside_down_face:

In a rock, paper, scissors design, people should rely on others to compensate their short comings. If it requires 2-3 scissors to take down 1 paper, it’s fundamentally broken. Paper should rely on rocks getting rid of the scissors so that the paper can do it’s job.

Currently there’s a lot of factors from my perspective to take down a healer:

  • I need to be geared and have the damage output to take one down.
  • While being able to chain CC and interupts.
  • Predict the healer using CD’s and Defensives.
  • Rely on others to accurately use their CC and Interupts in sync with mine
  • Keep this up while very, very slowly draining their mana until they are oom. And yet some healers can still kinda heal while oom.

Idk, if i have to have 5-10x the APM than a healer just to be able to keep up with their healing, something is wrong in my book, especially if they can still dish out a great amount of damage to take you down.

As a UH DK, before the Necrotic Strike nerf, i felt like we were the specialized class to take down healers and wear them down faster than anyone else, making us a legit threat in melee range to healers, since we don’t have all the mobility that some other classes have. Now with it being nerfed by 50% (8% to 4%) while the healing and corruption has increased, is kinda stupid.

However i do want to understand the other side of the coin, and not hear the “You are bad lolz!” excuse…

TL;DR: As a DPS i just want my effort to be felt more, and not be discarded by what feels like a single button press. And that’s from the class+spec that’s ment to be a counter to healers.

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If 2 healers get near each other then GG. It’s like trying to take down a raid boss.

I can delete you in 2 bolts

wanna go?

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