No info on Dwarf Paladin RP?

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

I’m relatively new to WoW. I joined WoW 2 months before BFA launched, and after spending my entire time in BFA trying to figure out “what to main”, I have decided on my Paladin Dwarf :slight_smile:

There is just something awesome about Dwarves when it comes to their greed and love of smithing and archaeology, and I can see a lot of potential in terms of fun RP.


I have looked up lore on Dwarf Paladins, and there isn’t much on it.

I know about the Humans introducing the light to them because they needed more Paladin soldiers, and that some Dwarves had the affinity for it, AND that Dwarves don’t see the light as a religious thing in the same way the Humans do.

But what I CAN’T find, is any info on how Dwarf Paladins function in todays world in WoW, and they fit into society.

Are they just part of the Alliance army?
Are they back in Iron Forge serving the Dwarves?
Do they HAVE to be part of a type of a “Paladin association”?

As you can see I’m searching for information on if I can RP a Dwarf that is a citizen of, let’s say Iron Forge, but just function as a normal member of the Dwarven society. While being a Paladin type person :slight_smile:

I’m aware that RP can be pretty open since it involves a lot of “fantasy”, but I’m also just trying not to get ridiculed for “RPing a Dwarf Paladin wrong” :sweat_smile:



Well, for one thing, the paladin tradition is fairly young to all, being created in response to the Horde invasion and their dark magic weilding Necrolytes and first generation Death Knights.

Up until the recent revamp of class quests the Alliance paladins were called regardless of race to be inducted into a reformed Silver Hand at the Stormwind Cathedral at level 10. In that sense, the order managed all paladins of all cultures out of Stormwind and sent you on your quests for your proper weapon in Shadowfang Keep and Blackrock respectively.

With the Silver Hand reforming yet again in response to the Legion, the Argent Dawn folds the Hand into itself as a neutral organization.

Dwarves as such have no distinct Paladin tradition but seem to follow that of the humans. Nothing points to them being more secular than the pious human knights but rather just as driven and devoted to the cause of the Light.

Why couldn’t they be? Sure, they’re formally part of a holy brotherhood but not everyone lives and breathes the crusader’s life. They may be a paladin but also still a dwarf in a dwarven context and culture.


I RP as something between a pious holy paladin, and a raucus, alcoholic dwarven graverobber.

As Marinya pointed out, even though a paladin’s abilities come from and with the Light, it doesn’t have to be Holy. Well, maybe the Light is, technically, but the dwarven paladin doesn’t need to be a “devout Catholic” :slightly_smiling_face:

This character chose to pursue paladin training because, in addition to “warrioring”, he wanted to be able to mend the wounds of his allies (even mortal wounds, if possible), because:

An ally who has come “this far”; engaged the enemies of the Alliance, or Azeroth, or Ironforge…

is a valuable ally. They have recieved considerable training, and they make the world a little bit safer.

If I can, then it is in my best interest to keep these allies alive - even if I am actually, deep down, egoistically motivated.

It’s a win-win :grinning:

As you stated, there isn’t really much to go on regarding dwarven paladin lore, so as long as your paladin makes sense, he doesn’t have to be the textbook poster boy “Uthorin The Pint-Sized LightBringer” :innocent:

My dwarves aren’t as alcoholic as some other RPers’, because I personally can’t quite relate to an absolute all-consuming obsession with alcohol :grinning:

Appreciate a nice cold beer, or occasionally enjoy the “relaxation” alcohol brings, sure :+1:


That’s exactly the flavor text from classic WoW. Sadly there isn’t much more canon background for them. You know, the dwarves are the least paladin race to get their own class mount (the holy ram arrived just one year ago because the asset was already done for Dark Iron paladins…)
(One can still fanfic a more “Titan-oriented” relic-seeking paladin, or an advanced ascended gryphon-rider, or else, I suppose)


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