Hi everyone
I’m relatively new to WoW. I joined WoW 2 months before BFA launched, and after spending my entire time in BFA trying to figure out “what to main”, I have decided on my Paladin Dwarf
There is just something awesome about Dwarves when it comes to their greed and love of smithing and archaeology, and I can see a lot of potential in terms of fun RP.
I have looked up lore on Dwarf Paladins, and there isn’t much on it.
I know about the Humans introducing the light to them because they needed more Paladin soldiers, and that some Dwarves had the affinity for it, AND that Dwarves don’t see the light as a religious thing in the same way the Humans do.
But what I CAN’T find, is any info on how Dwarf Paladins function in todays world in WoW, and they fit into society.
Are they just part of the Alliance army?
Are they back in Iron Forge serving the Dwarves?
Do they HAVE to be part of a type of a “Paladin association”?
As you can see I’m searching for information on if I can RP a Dwarf that is a citizen of, let’s say Iron Forge, but just function as a normal member of the Dwarven society. While being a Paladin type person
I’m aware that RP can be pretty open since it involves a lot of “fantasy”, but I’m also just trying not to get ridiculed for “RPing a Dwarf Paladin wrong”