No knowledge point skinning

As the topic already indicates, I do not receive any knowledge points during skinning, I do not know if others also suffer from this.
Obtaining knowledge points was already a problem, but this is very extreme now.

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Yep, same here, skinning skill at 100, all Specializations unlocked, but 0 knowledge points

Yeah i got the same here but with skinning and LW too. I cant make any new armor since i didnt get enough points to unlock a single armor piece in the tree. and now im stuck with a bag full of leather and chitin but no recepies aand no available knowledge.

There were no knowledge point drops for skinning during EA. Now you should get the blue drops that give knowledge points but there’s a weekly cap.

I skinned a lot yesterday and got nothing. i had a single point in LW for completing a handfull of orders.
But still no blue skillitems
edit: i was questing for hours in Ringing deeps and opened a lot of purples too and still got nothing

Same my rogue skinned a bit. I saw dont get points.
I guessed skinning had bugged?

something wrong with skinning and knowlegd point. super vague. with my main, skinner I don’t get any knowledge points at all while I occasionally play with my alt, who is a herbalist, because I need them, I have already gotten more knowledge points than with all my skinning. 2 weeks and 1 x had a knowlegd point from skinning. While I have already obtained 10 points from herbs on my alt. I understand that you shouldn’t have the entire tree full after two weeks, but now you don’t actually get anything. YES 1 point per week of inscription

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