No legendaries?

Are there no legendaries this exp? I kinda miss them tbh it was fun. Just feels like a retrograde step if they’ve been taken out.

Legendaries had become their own borrowed power system. Blizzard has realised that borrowed power was not really a sustainable practice to have every expansion.

We’re now back to the classic style. Your class is your class. You don’t have to grind power that’ll disappear in 2 years. You actually play the expansion.

Also, making legendaries so prevalent and universal kind of ruined them. Everyone had them in Shadowlands all the way through. Everyone got a generic one since MoP.

They are meant to be special, very rare items. Someone with one should be a spectacle. Hardwork should be put in to getting one and not everyone should expect to get it.

People need to stop expecting godlike powers every expansion.


I very much agree with Grumblemore, and also think that the addition of the legendary bow in Shadowlands was a great thing and would like to see more of that style, as in one class gets one legendary item, one per expansion should be plenty. I never have and probably never will play hunter, but it’s a good system and I’d gladly wait for my turn to get a legendary at some point in some expansion.

Otherwise yeah everybody having legendaries means no-one really has anything special at all, defeats the purpose of the items.

I am in no hurry to see legendaries. I’m not sure if we’ll see them this expansion or not. I can’t remember if they were mentioned in all the pre expansion interviews. Not without doing some digging.

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This is how it should have always been. I never liked the idea of borrowed powers or temporary gear that significantly increases your power, only to lose it the next expansion. It was an awful grind, and losing that power you worked hard for felt even worse.
Dragonflight fixed so many problems, and this was one of them.

Yes, no more legendaries after that much crying and moaning in Legion and SL. This is what the nescient and idle community wanted. Really can’t blame Blizzard. They are listening to the feedback. The tyranny of the majority.

Is everything harder without legendaries?

Legendaries were nothing but regular items with a special on use or on equip effect. They did not even add more stats than regular epic items of the same ilvl.

We still have those, they’re just not orange.

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There was brief mention about it in the Hazel vid; but nothing confirmed. Not sure they know how to re implement it. Personally I would like legendary back. This time though it should not be linked to borrowed power. Should just have the same ilvl as mythic but be orange. Involve a very time consuming quest chain to acquire the pieces and should have a completely unique look. Like the trading post mogs. Should involve all pillars of the game but not be unique to HC/mythic raiding nor to a specific key level. Will give casuals a chance to acquire it too. Should involve pvp too.

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^^ This.

There’s a reason Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker was such a renowned weapon. (Yes, I did just say it!)

You had to be very lucky to win both bindings. And then, you’d do a long quest chain and trade in mats that weren’t easy to obtain and fight yet another boss for your blade.

A lot of effort, but what you got was a weapon that rivalled anything! that could drop in Vanilla, an extremely powerful weapon with some of the most awesome visuals up to date even. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I might not use it for my mogs often, but I still get a thrill whenever I see it in my journal and I say… oh boy, it was quite the grind. But it was worth the last penny.

Then, you got to craft your own or earn your leggoes naturally as player power since Pandaria. And all you saw is that everyone had them on their n-th alt too. It was very easy to get and you wouldn’t stand out of the crowd.

Nobody would ask if that’s really the WoD leggo ring or a Legiondary. :sweat_smile:

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There is only one legendary and that is you, B.A. Baracus!

I detested that part of the MoP cloak chain, it was such a gift to the PvPers, slaughtering all these noobs just trying to get a win :rofl:


Really off topic, sorry, but your achievements tab looks insane, Punyelf.

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The fact that Vanilla was very much about your character’s journey throughout Azeroth, meant that finally getting any of the available legendaries was an absolutely phenomenal task.

You went from lvl 1 to lvl 60 to finishing off a legendary. It was an epic adventure. It was, relatively speaking, unique. A few others may have it, but you were lucky enough to get it and put the effort in to finish the task.

Non of this “I need to get it on my X, Y and Z alts” or that it’s so BiS that everyone and their mother has it.

Granted, no one likes when a different class gets a ton of favoritism, but almost everyone got a turn over the years. A moment in the spotlight that actually made them feel epic. It made the game interesting. If it wasn’t for how bad Shadowlands was, Hunters would have had that unmarred spotlight.

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legendaries have been worked into the current talent tree model
basically all borrowed power including legendaries existed because it didn’t fit in the previous talent tree model of x rows of 3 choices
They crunched it down to simplify choice but then probably came to the conclusion that they couldn’t change much without potentially deeply impacting consequences.
you can still make powerfull gear where you can target your stats and a lot of legion and SL’s legendaries are actually in the talent trees.

Well I miss legendaries - they were fun for me, guess I’m the minority.

I will NEVER miss Shadowlands style Legendaries:

SL Lego = recipe farming + ash farming + gold sink + slot restriction.

Dragonflight talents with integrated old legendaries is one of the best change in this expansion.

DF legendary effect = talent, fast switch, no farming, no gold, no slot restriction, not bound to gear.

I can understand some people liked pre-Legion style Legendaries from Raids or quests.

But it takes a real masochist to miss SL legendary.

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Why though?

  • They cost a lot of gold to assemble. And every patch one had to spend even more gold to upgrade them to the new maximum level.
  • They were unlocked with a tedious Choreghast quest.
  • They were mandatory because they gave your character so much power, so if you wanted to play alts, you had to repeat the same annoying quest line and spend more gold.
  • They were poorly balanced: most classes had only 1 or maybe 2 good options, so there was no real choice.

We still have “mini legendaries” in Dragonflight: the items that can get crafted and upgraded with the Spark of Ingenuity. Some of them have nice “embellishment” bonuses, but they’re aren’t so powerful that you have to get them. And most of them don’t cost much gold to craft; I think only the neck piece with 3 sockets is quite expensive.

Praise the light, there are no Legendaries.

Good riddance to a horrible and unnecessary feature.

I hope not but if there’s gonna be something i hope it’s done like MoP
with a cool visual at the end of quest chain plus title

No. Only some items for melees and hunter bow. Theyre not orange…but the effects are busted nnonethenless.

And if there isnt any gethiku or sylva daggers that will play the game for you .or some stupid trinket yet…there will be for sure in the future…

I would love some item like that for casters atleast once. …and no…atumbra versa procs isnt cuting it.