No more live chat?

have blizz stopped live chat? want to talk to a real person but the only option seems to be web ticket no matter what i click on, personal issue so cant list it here, anyone know whats happened to live chat?

live chat is only available at very specific hours for like 2-3 hours.

but its also for only support and not for when there is a bug happening.

edit, this sentence was wrong

Do you know roughly the times?

Just use a ticket. Try this

but there are a lot of things they cannot help with.

doesnt work, just says ticket only still, doesnt even mention live chat being unavailable.

Use a ticket then. I doubt you will be able to use webchat anyway. I think it may be suspended during the lockdown.

A ticket is really your only option. Just put all the information into it.

To note, live chat -is- run by GMs, but it’s generally confined for payment and technical issues where we -need- to speak to people live to resolve the problem.
Currently as we’re all safely working from home, the opening hours for live chats is very limited.

For everything else, a ticket is just fine, though the wait time will be a little longer.

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