No more pathfinders for SL and beyond

Since Blizzard confirms that doing this grind is too much in their latest update on flying:

I dont want to experience any pathfinder grind for future expansions.
No more making their AMP meters on the temporary grinds which go away next expacs

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That is just for WoD and Legion flying.

No mention of abandoning Pathfinder for SL or any subsequent expansions.

Also, it’s pretty much Blizz SOP to relax requirements for things like travel skills for older expansions when a new one comes out.

As for the grind, It’s a MMO, grinding for something has been a feature of MMO’s pretty much since they started. It’s only a hard grind for those that choose to miss parts of the game out ("I don’t like doing quests/exploring/WQ.s etc.). I wonder why those people are even playing a themepark MMO if they don’t like doing stuff like that.

Its necessary for leveling changes~ you can play in WoD or Legion from 1-50 and without “free” flying it would be ineffective for new players.

I don’t have anything against pathfinder in current content as you get the achievement simply by just playing the game for that one month subscription time. Old zones I can see it removed and replaced with a monetary price.
Flying could be disabled all together in warmode also.

Blizzard confirmed that with the changes to levelling in SL, the way flying works for OLD expansion had to change too.

I think it’s a very welcome change so people can freely choose what expansion to level in without having to take their ability to fly via various pathfinder achievements into account. Otherwise people would be like oh no can’t level in WoD, I can’t fly there, best go to instead.

As much as I would love to go back to buying flying at max level, they already confirmed that we will be following pathfinder for SL.

And i suggest my fellow players to ignore the next pathfinder and demand ffa flying like blizzard gives people who were unsubbed/ didnt have time to grind

i am returning player ( 8.1 ) and i farmed old reps for these pathfinders, its not a rocket science why i feel Blizzard misinformed me with this sneaky ffa.

Scamazed by Blues

Pathfinder is 100ŮŞ staying going forward. Its a good system. Tho i do wish it kicked in earlier.

Wod and legion are now considered old zones in regards to new players. So might as well just give easier flying.

Can you imagine trying to do this nzoth stuff (assalts and all the travelling for quests) without flying?? That sounds completly unplayable tbh. Better to give flying to all so thy can revisit old zones like this on the assumption everyone can fly

Further dumbing down of game - alongside with blizzard stealing away 60 levels and thousands of hours people spend on leveling alts

no wonder people choose classic and cant wait for legacy TBC servers

from what i see so far Shadowlands is expansion to skip , catering only to elitest and lowest common denominator - and play FF 14 and TBC when it comes out.

You’re actually clueless and you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Please stop.

Caterging to two different ends of the spectrum
lmao ok.

You’re just a negative person. Take a break.


At BlizzCon they said they did not yet know how they would be tackling flying in SL for older expansions with the new levelling system and it was to be confirmed. It has now been confirmed.

I’m not sure how that is a scam

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Blizzard isn’t saying what you think they’re saying, mate. They just want to equalize the legacy world in terms of leveling viability. This is why they aren’t including BFA in this. I agree pathfinder grinds are boring, but they are only really a thing if you don’t play the current expansion. If you do, you’ll get pathfinder naturally from just doing your daily chores. The problem isn’t the pathfinder grind, it is the way reputations are really, really boring these days.

This all for older xpacs, shadowlands still probably have the same, or slightly changed at most.

That’d probably kill warmode tbh.

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Instantly dead.

I really don’t have a problem with having to go around on ground mounts until we earn the ability to fly. I think that works very well, and I think many zone layouts depend on things being this way.

No, the problem with Pathfinder is caused by the problem with reputation grinds, and the problem with reputation grinds is timegating.

Obviously putting months-long timegating in place for a level up experience is total insanity, which is why they’re removing the old flying requirements. Personally I think there should be no flying at all until level 60, but provided they want flying, this is a very logical step to take.

Anyway, reputation timegating sucks. It’s super boring and super obnoxious, and there is no catch-up mechanism at all. It requires you to log in every single day in order to get it done.

I don’t think anybody likes it. I think reputation gains should work very differently to how they work now, and that should fix any Pathfinder problems in Shadowlands itself as well.

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