No more RNG loot ! thats it Enough

i dont care about the vault man i dont give a damn about it , you kill a boss you should get rewarded ! thats it you have achieved something but theres no reward you just killed it , like killing a roach in the kitchen . i spent like 2 days pugging fated Syl that boss is hard to kill even with a regular organized guild and i got nothing out of it ! same with all the other bosses i killed … killing a boss and getting nothing is never fun or getting something that you never going to use which is the same as not getting anything !

idk maybe keep the boss drops in the game still but add an additional currency next to it similar to flux that allows you to target certain items to out pace that rng factor , and again before anyone mentions it the dinar system is not good enough … its to slow to conditional

Game has never worked this way im afraid.

It never is going to either. Blizz will maybe look at a compromise, but your never going to just get handed everything.

i never played FFxiv but if thats how the system works than that game is on the right track for sure … no wonder so many ppl are switching out of wow to ffx its not a good system to just leave everything up to a roll of a dice … specially when its to much of it like the current situation of wow,

a little bit rng is ok acceptable understandable . this is just overkill

as i mentioned my problem is not them wanting to slow down the gear process my problem is the rng factor …

Well crafting in ff 14 are actual jobs with abilities though if your making something constantly that you know you can do you generally just write a macro to automate it :smiley:

The issue is you are wrong here. People dont turn off of WoW onto FFXIV.

People have played both since the start. They play ffxiv for story then take a break and play WoW its never changed.

Ffxiv doesnt have the content to give a player who wants progression / raiding / dungeoneering long term sustainability to play.

Ffxiv in most cases isnt built to be a full time game. Just a game on the side effectively.

Scottzone moved to ffxiv. Returned when he saw the patch cycle and ran out of contrnt.

Preach has done a 180 and returned upon DF announcement.

Asmongold returned to WoW and uses ffxiv as a part time stream activity.

Annie came back also.

Go visit some raid players streams on the game. You will reliese fast they arent happy and want ffxiv more like WoW.

Ffxiv is successful on its model. But its catered to players who are casual / dont group outside of auto group finder content.

WoWs built for the opposite.

Neither are killing one another, their playerbase has always been joint because ffxiv allows you to play it part time.

If wow jumps onto ffxivs model it will then die because WoW cannot compete on other things.

Ffxiv has a better proffession system, all classes in 1 char, its story is alot deeper it has player housing and heavens on high etc etc are rly good high quality solo experiences.

WoW would shoot itself in the foot trying to swallow that playerbase.

As i say WoW needs a back up system. But this is too far in the other direction.

Many other mmorpgs have that kind of system, if you dont like this in WoW, then i recommend change games.

The dinar system is honestly a good start and a decent experiment. If they work on the idea and improve it for Dragonflight as something in addition to boss loot for those who are getting unlucky, we could have a great gear system.

yes the system is good they need to also make one for mythic plus and they need to make it faster with less conditions , take this for example your average normie raider is gonna be able to kill 1 mythic boss with pug a week maybe 2 at best they have to wait like 30 weeks to be able to upgrade 1 item to mythic … that dosnt work and the 3 week period is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to slow it needs to be atleast 2 week , again i get that they want to slow down the loot process as much as they can so ppl keep playing without any breaks but the rng factor of it is the problem they can nullify that rng factor and still keep up with the slow pace they want thats the point im trying to make here !

you wanna delay the loot so ppl keep playing without quiting ? thats fine there is a better way to do it other than pure rng ,

and honestly in dragonflight its gonna be even worse they already made a massive mistake probably the biggest they made in the past 10 years by bringing back master loot ( group loot ) same thing kind of , thats gonna create a lot of unwanted problem as far as loot goes ppl will steal stuff guild dramas all that kind of stuff is coming back

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