Same, been wondering if they’ll revamp the palace itself, that’d be too cool! Hope it’ll be soon, especially once Gilneas gets sorted with the help of the friendly Forsaken (don’t glare too hard) it’d make a lot of sense.
That was my thoughts, after seeing what was actually IN Bel’ameth and how the Night Elves basically maintain a sense of control over the entire island.
The tree serves as a protector as the town is underneath it’s roots. I think this is to convey that night elf citizens are not going to be heavily involved in the story, moving forward.
Having the “Edgy Tower” doesn’t exactly showcase decent Highborne vibes; but it works. Eldre’Thalas is off the cards now, I know, but after seeing what’s in Bel’ameth and how those of “House Shen’dralar” have been input, it wouldn’t be fair of me to complain.
The Edgy tower shows everyone gets a place at the table as long as they are nelfs. I liked that. But still, the DH get a pelt on the floor? Come on.
If it’s the same help the Forsaken give the nelf tree, that’s fine cause practically the only forsaken there is Lilly. I actually would rather not exist in character than have the Forsaken being “helpful”. So yeah, send Lilly she can can take the dogs for a walk for all I care.
Tbh… something must be wrong if they can do things for night elves with this art, and people are still disappointment. So it’s not the art… it’s the whole direction feel.
For my part, Amirdrassil is gorgeous, love its nature side. But the conclusion for the night elves is very disappointing. How can they possibly think we’d be okay with just this.
Hey you got a tree, but lost your city, lost all your zones, and got no power - did the night elves look badass to you? No, to me they didn’t - not like how they looked in Legion.
I expected the very best city night elves could be, i expected all the night folk to show up. not just priestess and druids, and I expected and hope something incredible like the aspects regaining their powers would happen for night elves.
it’s a huge reduction in both the vision and the race… despite the pretty zone, it doesn’t make up for a genocide, loss of a civilization (both pre-sundering and post long vigil., loss of all their zones and loss of their immortalities and Well of Eternity magic source and Nordrassil empowerments.
They did sacrifice everything. Apparently a good night’s rest in a comfy bed went off the table as well
(No wonder they are perpetually grumpy.)
I get what you mean, and in ways I agree. I wasn’t expecting a restoration of their immortality, to my mind that was tied to those events a long time ago. They are not the sole guardians these days, in that sense they don’t need the ‘power up’.
I do think with the joining of the Highborne, and their integration during the past years, it’d have made sense to see a slight shift back to their origins as a people in their society and aesthetics, instead of a seemingly even stronger emphasis on druidism and nature. Personally I feel that is a bit of a missed opportunity, I think it could have meant more of a full circle feeling if they had gone with that.
What exactly is Highborne vibes anyway? And how have those of House SHen’dralar been input - they’re just making portals, nothing else.
ANyway, i don’t see why night elves souldn’t have all the good of the Highborne er and their long vigil era visually dispalyed on thier sdie in wow.
Exactly. Why are the fans the only ones that see this? Are we the only ones that care about this and to the devs it’s just some quick thing to roll aside and placate some people before they move to the stuff they really care about?
When you take the night elf story, going through all that loss and sacrifice to end up with hardly anything doesn’t make for an epic race or epic tale, just a lame one seriously.
They lost so much in the pre-sundering civilization that was excellent, very good… yet all fans who don’t care or a opposed to them, think of is the addiction and corruption, as if that is what built their civilization, and that was what it did. those things were at the very end, when the leaders got arrogant
You can’t tell me that somehow only the druidic way is good for night elves, it’s rubbish thinking, when the best stuff you do for other races has so much more. Further to that, in your own very lore, you made such that they HAD to live that way to save the world from a return invasion (prevent) which means it was a sacrifice. yes, they may have loved nature, and those who become druids even more so, but loving nature has never precluded building a life for your people a civilization, making progress, developing in knowledge, art, science, wisdom, magic of all kinds - which is exactly how they built up in the first place, they loved nature from teh start, and that never precluded loving the arcane and other things to, including Elune. … to now say that is all bad because of the arrogance at the very end of the era, long after everything has been established for ages, is downright hypocritical of a lot of fans. Call what is bad about it bad- arrogance/hubris of Azshara and her Highborne, not the whole thing. Far from it. [this is for those people that think somehow the night elves would never build a civilization like before because they some how think it was evil, and such good things the night elves think are bad, so would eternally remain in their reduced state, even with no Legion to stop them now using their magi c once more, learning, rebuilding their families, lives etc…
They know full well in the lore the night elves are forced into that full nature life to safeguard the world - not because they think their civilzation and all their cachievements were somehow bad or rubbish - and so knowing the full reason behind living like that in the long vigil, one would think that after that period ends they can finally now have the the go ahead to rebuild what was lost.
Yet do those fans want me to think that all or most night elves only want to be druids and nothing else, because they became content with nature? Do these guys even know what contentment looks like or means? doesn’t mean lack of development and lack of progress, that is laziness and fruitlessness. Contentmen means you’re ont goign to be lusting and thristing for power and you are going to be free from such controlloing emotions, allowing your work to be much more creative and inventive as your mind is free and your natural highly intelligent elven curiosity and study will take you even further.
THe current pack of ngiht elves shoudl be not only the most content, but also be the most advanced, and free of anomalies, with the knoweldge and freeedom, all their groups should be excelling.
You see, what you really want to happen for them is to have the current era to best both the pre-sundering era and the long vigil in everything, in expertise, development, assets, beauty, powers, etc, or at least lead towards that as the players should in the current be playing in the best period ever. I believe this is what the developers planned all along for them right form the start, and the pre-sundering and long vigil era, which both end in massive events (one we experience in a trilogy novel, the other in a game) are topave the way for the best period for them - now that is an epic vision.
It’s not fun, nor is it right for the best period to be in the past, unreachable, locked in a book and no chance for the players to experience it. You should have cities and magic for the best of the pre-sundering era for night elves and forests and nature for the best of the long vigil era - players should experience this, they should experience the powerful highborne and lowborne and druids and sentinels, the wardens and demon hunters, the Mooguard and Moon Priests.
and if I am really honest, it’s a low blow to show the best bits of their civilization and take it all over to the enemy faction - at least duplicate the efffort for the main faction, or (back then they could have taken the sub-race over to the horde, but left the Nightfallen and the city to return to being night elven after the Arcan’dor heals them, whiles the exiled ones remain nightborne having been denied the fruit and rescued by the blood elves - thus giving Nightborne to the horde but keeping the fanciest bits of he night elf assets for he playable night elves who endured 5 expansions with being crapped on… little did we know what would happen after celebrating 7.0 's massive fleshing out of night elf lore into the game.
They’ve taken the dark skinned coloured elves, stripped them of everything they had from 10k years ago to current, , then put them in a forest village and told us they are happy to live like this and don’t want to do anything more with themselves, than live in huts as hippies - because they can’t be majestic or glorious - and they would like us to think they are progressive. Meanwhile the light skinned elves enjoy a sprawling civilization, beautiful modeles, lush forests and no one can beat them in wow… - compared.
Your greatest achievmeent and the best you can amount to, is living in a forest that no one has done anything to it, you just leave it as it is and spend your life just admiring raw natural beauty,- you are now incapable of doing anything else for your people… it is a far cry from the Night elf they wrote about.
See it is one thing if this is only the view of one Order or class of night elf, it’s an entirely different thing if this is the entire race and that is their main portrayal, there sum total as it is meant to be. It sucks and is disappointing, no one wants that. tHat part as a flavour of a bigger , more epic whole, then yes.
Come on, this is the laziest expansion they have ever made, what did you expect?
I was looking forward to seeing the aspect halls thinking they would be similar to the Legion order halls or the Shadowlands covenant halls. But nop, they were just a few yellow things or red things shoved on a patio in random places in Valdraken.
Not to mention they couldn’t be bothered giving each zone it’s own theme like every other expansion. They made all zones look the same boring green fields, trees rocks and cliffs. No imagination at all, pure laziness doing that.
Ofcause they won’t put effort into making a new night elf city. I’m shocked it wasn’t just one building this WoW dev team is the laziest I’ve ever seen.
You are so full of crap. This is one of the best looking expansions by far. Aside the fact that the zones are huge, they are designed smart as not to make things feel too broken apart or glued together like in Legion.
Dragon Flight has been, so far, the expansion where Blizzard got it’s crap together.
And you’d have to be insane to diss on the new nelf city which looks better than literally every other nelf settlement out there and it’s still in development.
It’s using the new settlement /rural building architecture they upgraded in Legion, however we are not seeing the new city architecture upgrade we saw i Suramar and CoEN for their cityand temple.
yes, Amirdrassil is gorgeous and even Bel’ameth looks pretty as it is, but it woudl be mssively disappointing if there isnothing more.
- No city - where htey had at least 3
- No territories - when they had mmany
- No empowerments - which they should be using from Elune, Well of Etenrity+Moonwells and and Azeroth via Amirdrassil itself that blessed the aspects
- Still not seen the powerful displays from Moon Priesteses wielding the stars, fabled Highborne and Moonguard, druids wielding magic or tearing up the place [like Thaon Mooncaller - still haven’t even have a powerful balance druid in action to this day]
Suramar is another thing. You want Suramar, you are playing the wrong kind of elf. Nelfs focus more on rustic wooden building. That is not to say there won’t be any stone ones.
This is the new city, more of a town right now but more will be added, cause, again, they said so. This is the first version.
You still have territories, the town has portals leading to all those territories.
Sorry you didn’t get to live forever, but honestly who the hell cares? It’s not like the game is gonna jump forward 10k years again.
Seriously you people need to chill. Let them do their work THEN complain.
Am I now? What exactly makes you say this? Right so because Lightforged draenei exist, therefore my Draenei shouldn’t have a flying ship or be great at the light… even though the lore gave them that, Lightforged are in the house now, so it makes that side of the Draenei redundant, and I must switch to a Lightforged for that fantasy now.
It can’t possibly that because they are both Draenei, from the same stock, they would share these things right?
Can you not see that night elves have both a rural and urban architectural setting, it is not the case of the Nightborne are the urban ones only, and hte night elves the rural ones. it’s not a case that the Nightborne get to have pristine night elf city, but hte night elves only get to have ruined ones.
I’m trying to explain this to Others.
Having a city and having an emphasis on city life are two different things. Having powerful arcane magic wielders, the best in the world even, and having a cultural emphasis on arcane magic primarily are two different things. The beauty of the night elves should be their balance and the interesting thing about them is their contrast.
Look the forest they did for the night elves is stunning, you look at it and you can immediately identify it as night elven. Can you look at Suramar or Zin’Azshari and identify it immediately as night elven? You should do, you should be able to spot immediately this is night elf city – so why don’t yo u? This is one of several reasons why you need a city – amongst things like showing more than one colour, being interesting, representing the lore of the race you’ve fed to the fans well, and necessary to have majestic looking urban themes too for a mostly urban playing population. You obviously can’t leave the night elves out, giving everyone multiple environs like forests and cities, but for night elves you only have devastated forests and ruined cities.
Having a city and having an emphasis on city life are two different things. Having powerful arcane magic wielders, the best in the world even, and having a cultural emphasis on arcane magic primarily are two different things. The beauty of the night elves should be their balance and the interesting thing about them is their contrast visible in having those two extreme ends on the same people.
right, it looks like a settlement to me, not a city, , but you say in time it will be a city? How long again too? Another 5 years? … You know how long we waited for a pristine full night elf city representing those great feats of the race, after only seeing their ruins vast? Not till Legion showed up in 206, 12 year after release, and then they took it to the horde.
I mean they could have at least updated Darnassus, to that standard, especially with Highborne and Ancients from that era now with the Darnassiasn - but cata only saw Stormwind and Orgrimmar updated. You would have thought then okay, at least Eldr’ethalas/Dire would get updated, because quest wise, Estulan has had adventurers clear it and spoken about restoring the city to the bastion and glory , force for good it had been, been 14 years since Estulan’s quest was written - where is it?
Since then we saw a great night elf city, but it was given to the horde
The old night elf one was destroyed and pillaged
Nothing else done but a settlement at the base of ta very beautiful tree zone, and you wonder why we are agitated about this or annoyed?
I mean we’ve only see nerfing, losing, humiliation, destruction, looking bad, and we are told each time, by others, wait to see what else will come and nothing else ever comes… the first effort always seems to be the only effort., and then they move on.
if more is to come, why don’t we have the NPCs saying, this is a placeholder, we’re designing and restoring our cities, Bel’Ameth will have a city to house our people, Eldre’thalas will be restored, and we are helping Prince Farondis restore Nar’thalas.
They only need tweak the design for Suramar to do Eldre’thalas - because it’s the night elf architecture… a non-ruined version of Azsuna is already in the game files, they only need to decorate it, give it a paint job, add the arcnae and star/moon effects - and boom, you can have 2 really nice night elf cities, easy, and then take your time to do a master piece for Bel’Ameth that represents a new start.
And it should be a city, not a village.
Easy there boss. You just machine gunned me with nelf tears.
First of all, nelfs are more focus on druidism and have a more rustic lifestyle. It’s part of their gimmick. That you don’t like that and lust after nightbourne stuff isn’t anyone’s problem but yours.
And yeah, it is a settlement, more of a town actually because it already has several civic buildings erected and it continues to grow. What’s funny to me is that even Blizzard is aware of the legendary nelf whining and have released the first version of that city, town, settlement, whatever you want to call it, with a statement - it’s not the whole thing, more to come. But here you are. Weeping about it not being good enough for you.
And chief, if you haven’t noticed the Horde does not have Suramar, just in the books. We go there, we get all that illusion crap and attacked. But you actually get a place that’s yours and you cry, you cry hard.
Now I don’t know how long it’s gonna take for them to fully complete that faction city, maybe until the expansion concludes, maybe until the other expansions conclude, I don’t know, but you have something and it’s very nice. Your issue seems to be that you didn’t get Suramar, so again, you want that city, play a god damned nightbourne. Sorry you can’t have it all, mr. tearful nelf. Welcome to the rest of WoW.
I don’t think it’s necessary, because Bel’ameth seems to symbolise that the night elf civilians will be removed from the story for the time being. Amirdrassil covers them and almost protects them from harm. The Green Dragons are local.
Like every society, not all aspects will be given a big spotlight. Look at Stormwind’s Warlocks - despite Golden inserting her own Human Warlock into one story, Stormwindian Warlocks aren’t represented, barring a local pub, in the Mage District…in a basement.
Blood Elf Warlocks are another thing, where yes - they do have their own guild, but it’s basically out of the way, whilst the Mages, Hunters and Paladins are thrust into the centre. Blood Elf Warlocks essentially saved Silvermoon with the empowered Fel Crystals; but again…nothing of note about them today. The only thing the average player would know about them is that they seem to be fancier Mages, because all their NPCS have a shoulder piece of armour.
I think Blizzard has gone with big things that the average player knows about night elves and thats Druids, Priests, Warriors and Hunters. Demon Hunters, despite us knowing that they are an elite backbone to the shadows of night elf society, that very detail isn’t as well known for the average player.
It is just basic, which might annoy us which are more knowledgeable about the races, but…are we the majority? I don’t think we are. We’re a small niche.
Salty tears. But please don’t think I’m attacking you by writing passionately, I’m just venting how I feel, and I have a point, try to see what it is, even if you think its way too OTT.
It is part, but not all - and the main argument were are making for NElves is exactly the portrayal which is ontrast tot he lore and novels… not just in style but in ine very area they are portrayed.
in the books and the lroe, they have done incredible feats and achieved great htings, but in the game they suck
In the lore they have both that rustic RURAL style and that incredible urban style - that SUramar shows, yet, now they are out of the long vigil, using all their m abilities/ and personnel, why do we not see the incredible cities made available for htem?
Finally you faollow thier sotry, it’s one tragedy, great tragedy after another, they do the right thing and just keep getting narratively knocked… until Amirdrassil the playable faction hadn’t got anything good. And until Legion the race had got hardly any updates apart form the standard updates every base race got.
This is why you are under the perception their style is rustic and they are drudiic… whereas from the total picture of the lore, they have a dual style and they are Elune orientated. Where the order has administered in both the civilization and rural eras of the main group and of the race.
That their style is considered rustic also ignores the other huge night elf a factions, the Highborne are huge as are the Illdiari - and this is lore wise in terms of influence, lore and what htey bring to the table, whether there is just 1 or an entire faction - it is also part of the idnetity…
And part of the night elf problem is the lack of visibility of the other cool portions - which has left players perceiving the night elf style is only forests and ruins, is only whipping boys, and only horde canon fodder to show how amazing horde is.
Are they now, yet they keep giving night elf reasons to hine - you now dread night elves showing up, becuase you wonder what way they going to be nerfed, reduced, humiliated or uglified further. 4.0 world remake - that had no visual updates, 6.0 model remakes the had the odels come out uglier in perception , 7.3.5 that had the night elfpre-sundering city and nightborne sub race swithced ot the horde, 8.0 pre-patch that had night elves experience the second genocide they have in the lore, and lose all their lands. 8.1 that had a pointless warfronnt victory, where the previously powerful Tyrande gets even more powerful and yet can’t even beat Nathanos who’s been at Sylvie’s right hand as she murdered her people… 8.2 when Azshara shows up but there are no night elves in their original site of origin and their famous capital to take down teh Queen that betrayed them - token Shandris - Danuser’s reason for Tyrande’s absence? oh she appeared in 8.1… wher ien 8.1 - the one NIght warrior quest… when asked so how is Jaina there who appeared both in 8.0 and 8.1 raid, but recovers just fine while MEkkatorque is out of commission. and no answer… asked then what about MAlfurion who’d want tot ake her n or Priince farondis, the highborne Prince who’s storyline Azsuna is mainly about - who meets the Queen once more and hasdiscovers she still lives - where is he? why is Jaina and Genn more relevant than the playable night elven group?
- Remove teh dark elf civilziation
- Remove the dark elf immortlaity characteristics
- remove empowerments.
- USe the dark elf to show how powerful their enemies are
- Give the dark elf home city of origin and the dark elf sub-race inhabitants to the enemeis.
- Genocide the dark elves again for the second time in the lore
- Thorw dark elves a bone so they don’t hine…
Meanwhile compare how they treated the blood elves after TBC till now, or the ORcs, or the Humans
THen tell me yes, night elves are supposed to be only in forests and ruins because of their style is rustic - or rather is it more true that Night elves have not been portrayed properly in wow for almost every area, and the reason their style papers rustic is because blizzard has been soslwo to give them their urban assets, the reason they appear so lame is beacuse blizzard continues to write them as losers and being sport for the “cool” blood elvse and orcs and Tauren
Now night elves have to wait, it will come, they say. That is what was said in 2010, and 2014, 2018 and now being said again.
Well I would hope you were right, but somehow feeles I’m wasting my hope.
Yes, but technically the books confirm the horde has Suramar - the complaint now is not great Nightbonre visualisation, but just updating the city to reflect the horde owner ship… How do you think the void elves feel? And the night elves who you believe fit the “rustic” - i.e. rural image - because the dark skinned alliance elves , shouldn’t have more than village buildings - regardless of their lore.
Ownership rights matter a lot to fans, and portrayal. IT’s one thing not to have theplace , and another to have it, but it just needing updating.
and i’ts not having Amirdrassil that is upsetting, Amirdrassil is good, it’s just the feeling of … erm - is this it for night elves? Well that’s rather disappointing.
Amirdrassil is gorgeous, but every alliance fans knows the night elves built Suramar and Zin’Azshari, they built the temples of the Moon and Elune, the CAthedral of Eternal night, theya re aware of Eldre’thalas, and Suramar, and are aware of far more in the pre-sundering era.
THeya re aware of night elves badass enough to defeat the legion, nad win two major wars, but see them in game being whipping boys constantly… i don’t mind rescuing a dmasel in distress, but it’s lame if all i see is them being a damsel in distress and don’t have an equal or greater amount of time being portrayed a s really cool, and powerful anceints that “show you how it is done” cool style, as you’d expect of elvs and super intelligent , 10k plus year old people.
They are aware that they defined the night elves as immortal, and up till Wc3, they had been immortal for 15,000 years, the first 5,000 years happened courtesy of the WEll of Etenrity , the next 10,000 through the bronze blessing on the tree growing form the linked well they wouldn’t use for fear of calling the leigon back. So they write all these incredible sacrifices, sacrificng immorality,all their civilziaiton, no progress for 10k years, first on call for the legion’s return, fighting the good fight against enemies and defiliers, and their reward? Humiliation, defeat, stripping and l oss of hteir lands.
So you see, it’s not Amirdrassil zone or art work that is disappointing, or that Night elves have a home… it’s that this is all that is left to night elves - no empowerments, no taking back of lands, no city, no beautiful capital city to show the majestic side prevalent in the pre-sundering era…
As beautiful as it is, it seems to only cater to the rui side of the night elves, there is no indication of ap riestly peole, or a fabled mage people, of artisans and crafts men, of a people rebuilding their civilizaiton and lives, this seems of people coming to take a final rest in the peaceul forest and pick fruits all day. Which can e a great lifestyle, but feels really lame for a race, especially a raec like the night elves. I shouldn’t need to point out how much better the horde elves a doing, truth is no race should be in this state without an upswing.
And will the upswing come? blizzard are notorious at ditching you and then going somewhere else, and then see you in 10 years.
And yes I take an issue that they don’t have a city as incredible as Suramar - a night elf city - I mean who wouldn’t, or hav eyou forgotten this is the city the Darnassian faction mostly come from?? The race is able to do great cities, but , that should go over to the enemy faction, and they shouldn’t have one that great, despite being capable of even more than that… i mean the same Ancients and Highborne - artisans etc that built Suramar over 10k years ago are still around whether as Shen’dralar or Darnassians, and they have 10k years more knowledge to them plus now have far more help and far more friends…access to things they didn’t have back then in addition to the knowledge they have.
But you are mistaking that this is the only issue I take with it. the Night elves are a very popular race, and the no 1 complaint is how they’re not effective any more. When people want WC3 night elves, they are not talking about wanting village people - they are wanting guts, great fighting capabilities, a race that looks dangerous and accomplishes things rather than gets washed away, hard - , not rural necessary. Those same fans love the pre-sundering civilization and the cities… so it’s not the the wc3 aesthetic they are after, it’s the Wc3 fighting edge - night elves were cool because they were badass MFs then. There is that side to them we don’t see in the vast majority of wow portrayals. They look like softie purple humans, just standing there, taking orders andl ettign children direct them…which
Yep, It does feel like a conclusion to things, There we’ve given you a nice home, we’re done with you for now… This is what it feels like, and when you look at it, for all the nice forest zone are it has, it’s a very disappointing end result for the race that’s going to fade to the sideline.
While true, we must remember that both demon hunters, but even more so the civilziation side of hte night elves, as well as Highbonre/Moonguard types are a major part of night elf lore that has shaped them and all their 3 main factions which are
- The Darnassians
- The highborne led by the Shend’ralar, Prince Faronids nad the Moonguard
- the Illidari
Remember, having a city and having an emphasis on city life are two different things. Having powerful arcane magic wielders, the best in the world even, and having a cultural emphasis on arcane magic primarily are two different things. The beauty of the night elves should be their balance and the interesting thing about them is their contrast existing in the same race.
The Highborne and Illdiari are no warlock faction, the night elves have an entire era of civilziaiton or at least half of it, domianted by them, and the Illdiari, have had huge impacts on the night elf story all thewya from illidans path in the War of the Ancients book to present.
They don’t have to be large in numbers, nor do they have to dominate the culture of the druids or htepirests. Which there was distincition between druids and priests until recently - for them to be important and visible - if not things centred around them. THe Nightborne are the night elf sub-race most of their stuff is centred around the mages… this is what we woould have if we just looked at hte Shend’ralaar highbonre led faction - it would be similar, but for nightborne it’s the entire race, not just a faction - but they are a much smaller group.
I think Blizzards lack of portraying the night elves in their cities, and showing the quality of the night elves be it mages, druids, prists, or sentinesl si why the average player knows little, they shoudln’t be tryign to go with what the average player knows, the average player hasn’t read most of their material. they should be going with what the night elves are and showing the average player, this is it, then the average player would get excited and would show more interest in their novels and want to go buy them.
Which do you think is better for the franchise? To show a major race like the night elves only in forests and ruins, or to show them in both forests and in amazing night elf cities like Suramar or Zin’Azsarhi etc? And then doing the same when it comes to blood elves, or draenei, Trolls or Humans. Dwarves or Forsaken.
I think it would be much better for the franchise and the fan base to show it well. Unless they’re only interested in showing horde races off well. I mean look at where Suramar went, look at how the void elves got nothing from the blood elves but the Nightborne got everything from the night elves. Look at how majestic they did Dazar’Alor - and while at least Kul’tiras’ Boralus looked cool, it wasn’t as impressive.
it’s like blizzard lose excitement and go to sleep when it comes to those alliance races, and just go for more generic, but get excited when it comes to the horde races and pull out all the stops to make them visualiseed well, even if you disagree with the story choices. Sylvie did conquer the alliance on Kalimdor - even if her character was sorta butchered.
And yet the majority players are lookign at it and going …well this is underwhelmings… well this isn’t that interesting. forest settings and peaceful vibes are nice, but what gets players excited are incredible cities and badass fighting , doing erally cool action scenes - it is is world of warcraft and most people who play it are from cities.
It doesn’t help that you’ve done incredible cities in art and media for night elves, as you described in lore but not own it in game, given an epic image of really powerful and long lived people who’ve done wonders of breathtaking proportions in both arcane and nature magic, and have people been shooting bows and arrows for 10 k years, you kinda expect a magically infused race by description of this calibre to perform a little better than your standard human and orc …
Even the average player would know this, even if they won’t bother to articulate… they’ll see it, move around a little and fly off, get bored fast. Meanwhile stick them in Suramar, show them a fighting battle scene, and now they’ll get excited. You know there is something up if both the diehards and the normies agree.
But who are these? We’re all under the assumption that anyone who likes night elves, know who these are and they don’t.
I saw one comment about new players saying “a new player would know that this is all about the Highborne and it’s Alliance.” No, a new player wouldn’t know because a new player doesn’t know what “Highborne” even means. Hell, the first time I heard the term was for Sylvanas’ song, Lament of the Highborne. I didn’t connect that term to the Night Elves as I thought it was something related to the Blood Elves.
It wasn’t until I played through Warcraft 3, did I see who the Highborne were and then during TBC, as I played my Blood Elf Warlock, my friends and I ran Dire Maul: West for my Dreadsteed, where it all eventually clicked.
And as far as the Moonguard go - if you didn’t read the books, you wouldn’t be wrong to assume that the Moonguard is something “Night Elf” related; but you’d auto think it was something about the Sisterhood of Elune / Sentinels. “Moonguard” - Guarding Elune…oh, yeah that’s about the Priests isn’t it?
I can’t consider the Illidari to be part of either Quel’Thalas or Darnassus. They’re more like…distant associates for both.
I reckon Bel’ameth and Silvermoon will have an “Illidari” section, with Kayn and Altrius, but I don’t think either will be pushed towards Horde or Alliance. Serving more as an Illidari Ambassador.
But that’s not a Horde problem. That’s a narrative problem, where Blizzard went against the playerbase’s wishes of High Elves.
It wasn’t the Nightborne that Alliance wanted. It was the High Elves and Blizzard went ridiculous with creating Void Elves. They could have just gone with High Elves in Shandaral and Crystalsong Forest. An Alliance victory over the Blood Elves and a very lore fitting place for the Quel’dorei, who make up Mages and Hunters mainly, but with a few Priests and Warriors.
I’m so glad that the Nightborne went Horde. It was the best move because if they went Alliance, there would be no more Shen’dralar / Feralas / Eldre’Thalas lore. It would be irrelevant and I’d hate that. At least if they aren’t on the same faction as the Shen’dralar, then I have a chance.