All this chat about nelfs but lets not forget worgens have been homeless for far longer.
Not long! long live the gilneans!
There is a difference. Worgen was introduced in this game like this. It is their story. Now they are getting their town back.
Night elfs are original race since WC3 and had a home the moment wow launched. Then they became ridiculed (worgen didn’t) depicted as tree huggers (nothing close to what they was in wc3) and genocided with their home burned. Now blizzrd barely started to scratch the surface of all the s…t they did to Night Elves but they make their new capital NEUTRAL with guards killing Night Elfs if they attack horde in THEIR town. WTH is going on with this game
This is not Blizzard anymore and World Of Warcraft is not World of Warcraft anymore. This is Disney and political agenda in full swing.
Its just a game nothing more stop taking things so serious and i really dont think Disney has anything to do with nelfs storyline and you need to remove masked swear words as its banable have a great day.
I’'ll ask you when you will get killed in Ironforge if you attack horde player
Wouldnt bother me at all now have a real good afternoon as i do not take the game serious.
Well then, by your words and by blizzard’s action. PvP should be banned. WSG, EOTS should just be deleted in game because they are heavily implicated in lore of wow. World PvP should go away, and there is no need to make new battlegrounds because they don’t make any sense anymore.
So, in another words, kick what little pvp players has left in this game out
Were did i say that?
nope never said that.
nope again never said anything of the sort .
I tell you what i said was and its this
nothing else so you are a liar and please stop putting words into my mouth and you are now muted ta ta.
If cities are neutral and we are all to be friends. Whats the point of any pvp outside of arena?
You are saying it every time you say horde and alliance should be friends and cities neutral. Cool, so what’s the point of bg’s?
Same answer as above
As I said. Worgen loosing their city and come to Night Elfs was Worgen trope. The very reason they joined Night Elfs and later Alliance. Did I said that was right? Never. But they don’t get the right over Night Elfs ESPECIALLY because Darnassus have became their new HOME
Now, I wonder what would YMCA mean in Azeroth.
Ysera’s Men Capital Arboreal?
In wa rcraft they do, especially with magic.
Anyway, no one is interested in a forest hippie race, well a few are, it’s not the epic presentation the night elves were launched with for sure, and certainly not what alliance fan types like.
not that there is anything wrong with the forest village people, it’s just super disappointing for the whole of the race.
They went from a global spanning empire, full of forests and civilization - at it’s zenith, they did everything well, they lost all that, having only 2 cities and a forested region all segregated form each other, all in isolation, kinda lost one to ruin, gained a new one, then lost everything, even the nightborne changed and went horde.
Immortality, Forests, Temples, cities, majority of the population from a major force in 14 odd zones, only handful fewer than humans and orcs, to a part of one zone in t he dragon isles… great going.
I agree 100%.
It would be for the best that they don’t even try. Remove those wooden huts and let NE just roll and live in the mud it would be the same.
New city looks like crap, i hope it burns in same patch with all NE in it, so we can forget about them. This is getting ridiculous. NE are just falling down and down they can’t get a break. I hope they delete this and put some effort and make a real city.
Gettin my hopes up after Blizz-con but seeing this i really do believe retail is done.Killed all the hype i had for it.
You decided to respond to a comment 2 days old to basically say, “I don’t agree with your opinion, so it must be wrong.” LOL
And consider that’s just the start of it. Now I don’t know if they’ll add more stuff as patches go or have players actively participate in the building of that city via quests, what I know is that there will be more because they said so.
Honestly I love it and if the Forsaken get something that is just as good looking, as lively (or as lively as a bunch of dead guys can get) then I’m happy. The town is simply beautiful and I can’t want to see it grow into a city. Frankly I’m tired of sitting in Boralus on my Alliance characters. This is gonna be great.
Actually I was agreeing with you. Lol
Don’t forget Bel’Ameth being neutral now. Which is just another spit in Nelf face
Exactly how I feel
I hope all neglected main cities for races get a lot of love I’d love it if they looked at the troll village too, and plump it up a bit. Such a cool race. But yes, very curious about UC! Have they said anything about when?
Not that I know. Very curious however if it’s gonna be a reskin or a build us something new as in maybe not the whole thing underground. Frankly the one thing I hated about the Undercity was the entrance and those stupid lethal elevators. Anyway, whatever it is it’s gonna be good.
Its the horde doing their thing again. We shouldve never let them off the hook and burned Orgrimmar to the ground. Jaina could solo it while the pitiful horde watches as their mudhuts burn to the ground.