New Bel’ameth village, portals are up now.
Maps too:
Wowhead phrases it as:
Implying that it will develop into a city.
Finally a Night elf child, which is basically the same model as a Ngihtborne child and blood elf and … race child just with the appropriate racial features
I quite like that you’re a night elf enthusiast, and also into the Highborne lore, night elven fans of the kaldorei pre-sundering era, and the kaldorei as a whole use to be far more prevalent, so few of us into the lore side of things now - there is a price to pay for years of neglect.
Indeed, those outside the city were not so easily held by the corruption of the legion, and we find many more rebellions, she did send the legion against every other city in the realm, including the exclusive Highborne city of Eldre’thalas - remember that is the only fully Highborne city we know of, - that alone makes me think it was something incredible too. Although Suramar would take the cake because of the order of Elune and the effigies and structures they would build to Elune.
I disagree on that, arcane golem, like much of arcane isn’t specific to the sin’dorei only. the fact htatyou include nightborne is an indication this comes from the kaldorei empire.
now if they had done blood golems and blood magic, heavily focused in on phoneix/fire magic, I would agree with you, but arcane constructs are clearly something that night elves use, as evidenced by the Azshara night elf and the Nightborne.
Arcane is broad topic, there is enough to go around the different groups, but we shouldn’t forget htat the kaldorei empire has a lot ore arcane knowledge available to it than the high elves have currently, which means that magical wise, there isn’t much that would not have been done by the night elves first… but isle of thunder is very likely one of those things, the whole mana tapping of living creatures might be another … as some techniques the likes of Illidan developed.
There are disadvantages too, Shen’dralar need and do have their own thing, tit just needs to be made visible to us in game, rather than in the lore only.
Still I don’t see why the nightborne needed to go horde in order for the Shen’dralar to be unique and specific… they could have done both - we have multiple factions of night elven druids, mages and priests - but we know the likelihood that they would have done something distinctive for the Shen’dralar is a lot more slim if the Nightborne had gone wit the night elves.
But tbh, this would only be a good thing if what the Shen’dralar end up showing is just as good or better than what we have in Suramar.
They still use golems in Quel’thalas, i think it was implied more the way (and location it was used) for example, if you know the golem has a security risk, not a great idea to take a class and use it in territory with enemies around, but nothing wrong with using it in a secure location where it isn’t going to be explloited so, secondly for war in particular… it’s an intersting line they used, i wonder how well thought out it was, or if itw as just htrown in to make the night elf look out of date, forgetting how the lore had described nighte lves.
they did a lot of stuff in cata that didn’t always match the lore well. or i shoudl say rather, portrayed the lore. sure waht they did isn’t necessarily lore contradadictory, it doens’t mean night elves of hte kaldorei empire and others weren’t great in their field, after all the reality there is those night elves in Azshara have only been training as magi for about a week or 2 after 10,000 years of no practice. Not conversant iwth the progress of their enemies… coudl also be they were overconfident, not expecting a true mage to be there, after all, Azshara isn’t exaclty wher eyou’d expect to find horde magi, which until that time were either Forsaken or Blood elf.
It’s an interesting addition to an expansion on the Shen’dralar, but i would hope that what we get is ore than a vault - I want to see them use all that lost and hidden knowledge magi today scour the earth to find scraps of, and engineer those wonders Mordant Evenshade talks about, that the lore indicates the Shen’dralar would make.
I want them to show us something spectacular for the night elves in the arcane once more, but this time, make it night elven, not a sub-race and part of the night elves - I don’t care if it’s the Darnassian faction that’s doing it, or if the Highborne become their own faction like the Illidari, and the character in character creation can choose whether his night elf is a Highborne faction night elf or an Amirdrassil faction one or an Illidari one. in which case it would be nice if there were certain new customisations associated with the faction - like star effects, similar to Tyrande’s night warrior and other features, hairstyles, jewellery etc.