As little as hope I have. But there is a small chance the next expansion will be staged a good while after Dragonflight. Anduin doesn’t look just a few years older in the cinematic. Thrall has grey strains and looks significantly aged. Minding that they produce expansions way ahead tp the release, it would’ve been pretty difficult to change the whole production also. I stated it at one point already, Metzen might have just let them finish up their mess and completely focused on the next expansion, literally leaving that entire disaster in the past with it. I shall look forward to re-subscribing if so. If Bel’ameth or an alternative place on Kalimdor will have developed to a proper replacement for the Kaldorei and the boundaries will have been re-established.
Maybe not Hamuul since he’s a member of the Cenarion Circle and therefore somewhat allied to Malfurion. But surely everyone that has no profound relation to guarding the emerald dream.
this thread is still alive? anulire is still answering despite stating that he’s sub runs out? man can’t even hold his word and keep his cover properly XD, no principles at all.
I bet he’s renewed his sub
Oh yes - you simply click a button and your account will be frozen, after your next sub payment has gone out.
Freezing your account simply means you will still have all of your characters; but you won’t be able to log into any of them. I think you can create a new character and level it from 1/8/whatever - 20.
When I froze mine though, I didn’t log into the game at all. I knew I was coming back for Legion, so I simply unfroze my account and levelled my toons through Legion invasions.
Wait, why do you call hem golems, technically they are arcane constructs, but golems woudl work, magi use them, that knowledge comes from the kaldorei - onw the blodo golems in isle of thunder are different, those are all the sin’dorei - but golems aren’t anything new to the kaldorei - how many do we see and face in in Suramar… funny, id didn’t see cheeky blood elf mages exploiting their weaknesses.
Only possible answer is the returned Highborne who set up the construct we see in Azhsara zone hasn’t updated it accordingly, because well, she’s newly returned tot he crat. lore wise - we can accept that.
personally speaking, I just don’t think blizzard cared to write the night elves decently, if you play your horde toon through there, it takes the piss, they just roflstomp the night elves in Azshara, Ashenvale, Stonetalon mountain and Desolace… doesn’t matter who they face, mages, sentinels, druids, - every night elf looks like a muppet - the quests are designed to make the horde look good at the expense of the night elves - because they’re on the alliance… and blizzard wanted to push the horde HARD those days.
There is no such thing as “lowborne” - it’s s lur, typically from aristorcrats, there were many castes, and in fact rpedominantly for the majority of their existence,t he Priest caste has been the most esteemed caste, only for hte period of Azshara’s reign were the highborne elevated tot he highest caste. The druid -types would have been a caste - but then theere woudl have been others. I would surmise the pirests were considered entirely separate to nobility and non-nobles - and held in high esteem by all.
there were other non highbonre nobility - like Lord Ravencrest - don’t recall him being a noble
No… The power source of Blood Elves is arcane and Light. There is no Fel anymore in the sun well. It’s weird how there is this odd “purity”-obsession of Elf players in the game. We literally have all sorts of elves now in the game, and playerbase doesn’t deem them “pure enough”, even though they are the same people in the story. They ask for “high elves”, even though we literally have High Elves. Blood elves had short phase of fel corruption, which already faded away in the story, but some players don’t accept them as high elves, which makes no sense to me, even though they are literally the same people. Makes no sense, and seems like most of the demands are driven by headcannon. So you wanna play a highborne? There are literally 4 in the game that give that to you in different lore-sensible versions, but that’s not enough apparently. Gotta complain to ruin it for the actual Nightelf Nature-themed fans, who enjoy the actual lore of them, and not just what’s in their mind of how they wish Nightelves were.
Also, calling Nightborne or blood elves “devolved” Highborne is literally complete non-sense lorewise, because the arcane made them what they are, and this is what the Night Elves rejected. So why would you not play a Blood Elf, if you like the Arcane Side of Elf lore? Instead you demand weirdly that Blizzard ruins Night Elf story for some headcannon, where you view them as “devolved”, because of some aesthetic preference or whatever. I don’t really get it.
Because the original name for them starts with the Sin’dorei and they are called “Arcane Constructs” and then the story moves onto calling there’s “Golems” through their use of Blood Magic and Arcane Magic.
This is why I think it’s a waste of time, trying to retell that story, but through the Shen’dralar. It’s wasted time when the Sin’dorei already have a story which is about their use of Arcane Magic and Arcane Constructs evolving.
Shen’dralar have Ancients of the Arcane, which I think serve their purpose beautifully and can be a contrast to the Sin’dorei Arcane Constructs and Blood Golems.
Shen’dralar are very forest-dwelling Highborne, in terms of where their city was located. A very dense woodland and they have Ancients of the Arcane, which fit the Kaldorei vibe with 100% perfection. Ancients of the Arcane would be a far more interesting story to tell, rather than Arcane Constructions and Arcane Golems. The Sin’dorei command that scene and have done ever since TBC. MoP just enforced their dominion over the Arcane Construct / Golem story.
It’s a perfect story for the Sin’dorei Mages and shouldn’t be shared with the other Elves, by and large. Sin’dorei Mages are such a huge influence within Sin’dorei society and this story regarding the Arcane Constructs and Arcane Golems is just perfect for them. MoP worked wonders for the Magisters of Quel’Thalas.
That is what the Nightborne and Azshara refer to those of none-highborne blood, so I refer to them the same.
If Azshara declares the term then the term is perfectly valid.
Shen’dralar were outcasts, who only got accepted by the Night elves in Cataclysm. If they actually followed through with Arcane Magic, they’d have become or joined the Blood Elves. It’s again this headcannon of trying to make something more special to fit aesthetic preferences or to feel more unique. “Oh, I’m not like the “devolved” arcane elves.” seems to be the attitude that I heard in this thread.
But they did follow through with using Arcane Magic.
We see the Shen’dralar Mages using the Arcane in Bel’ameth and we see that they do have Ancients of the Arcane in Feralas, under their control.
The purpose is for me; as a Shen’dralar fan, this story needs developing. We’ve had so much from the Druids, Priests and Sentinels and we need something for the Shen’dralar Mages.
The new outfit for their leader, could suggest that lore is on the way for them. I just hope it’s done justly and not leeching off the Horde.
No, it doesn’t. We have 2 Elf races in the game that are all about the Arcane. The Night elves are mostly about nature and are just tolerating it. The reason the shen’dralar didn’t “devolve”, as some purists here view it, is that they were not surrounded by the arcane to the same degree as bloodelves and Nightborne. Let the Night elves be now their own unique thing of nature protectors and lunar warrior instead of trying to force headcannon in a story to fit some aesthetic wish of the ancient zin’azshari. It already exists in the game anyway (Play a Nightborne, blood elf, or even void elf). Arcane Mages for Night elves are now even tolerated since the Heritage quest chain, but it’s never gonna be the focus of their society in the game.
I think you all would be way better off to ask for Nightborne customization, because that seems to be the real issue here.
But it isn’t headcanon. The Shen’dralar are a viable piece of lore which are part of the Night Elves.
They had a whole questing hub in Feralas as well as quests with NPCs around Felwood and Winterspring.
This isn’t about taking from the Blood Elves and Nightborne, because they have very unique aspects and I agree that taking stories that are integral to them is a wasted effort; but we do have other things for the Shen’dralar that we can look at, such as Arcane Ancients and the Shen’dralar being Azshara’s direct revered Arcanists, charged with storing her most precious tomes, away from Zin-Azshari.
These traits are unique only to the Shen’dralar. Neither Sin’dorei nor Shal’dorei have these, which is fine.
Arcane Ancients is an ideal thing for the current Night Elf / Shen’dralar Mage, because they actually do fit with the current lore for the night elves, with nature and the like.
We both know what it boils down to → aesthetic wishes. Which is fine btw, but imo, they should make Nightborne have customization that make them look a bit more similar to Azsharah now that they are healed. I’m very sure that this would satisfy people way more than steering the direction of Night Elf Story away from what they have been about for millenia in the game.
I say this as someone, who plays 2 Night Elves, so I’m not biased against them. I just don’t want Blizzard to homogenize all elves for some aesthetic preference.
I don’t see how Nightborne features exclude from the Shen’dralar getting lore which fits. I mean, they hold two bases in Bel’ameth. One, near the main part of the town and the other with the Darkfallen and Illidari.
They are also named “Highborne Magi” with the <House Shen’dralar> as their “guild name” if you will.
You can have Nightborne features, go for it, I love my Nightborne Mistweaver Monk so of course I’d love to see more things for her; but that doesn’t exclude Shen’dralar story.
The art team and the narrative team aren’t the same teams.