Did the quest line from Ar’syn, Legendary Legerdemain in the City of Threads - starting with Means of Ingress and finishing with Dogged Pursuit.
Unfortunately since then all NPCs in the City of Threads have vanished for me!
Even the blobs of goo for the current world quest Tower Washing Simulator aren’t visible - although the world quest does pop for me.
Its only on my character - the one I’m posting with - this is an issue. My other characters have no issues interacting with NPCs, doing the world quests in City of Threads, etc.
This also means I can’t do the quests like Socialized Medicine or Absent Errand as almost all the mobs for that are also invisible to me.
Almost as a single selective Historian is in the quest area - but no other mobs at all!
Its also been like this for ~week now - so we’ve had the weekly reset, to no avail.