there is litterly NO ONE GIVING A SINGLE F about fighting in goldshire.
i made a queue for 8 hours and not a single player queued.
Try a PvP community, still might not get interest, but worth a try!
Maybe not everyone is interested in camping low level players with 10 people
stay away from thet place disgusting even most decent rp player stay away there erp still going there tink would be better idd build wall around thet place
tink of children pls
I modified your sentence a bit, but I agree with the sentiment. Yes, please stay away from Goldshire, it’s not meant for … well, you know perfectly well.
if they add houseing to wow i will buy GS Inn build a fighting arena in basment. where ur allowed to bet
Do you need a group to kill low level players?
low lvl players with lvl 50 and max gear ? sure i guess?
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