No quality on public orders sucks

I’m trying to get someone to craft me a 405 staff. Spamming in trade chat non stop, along with all the people selling. Nobody dm’s back.

So I can’t get it crafted unless I risk it being 395, which I’m not doing with matts that cost tens of thousands of gold.

I want to go play the game, not sit here spamming trade chat for hours and getting nothing.

I can’t sell anything that I can craft at 5* either, and I have all mail tailoring clothes at 5*. Nobody cares. But I could honestly forgo that and just not care. But I’ve saved loads of gold, spent tons of times farming and now I’m just stuck spamming in trade if I want a craft, rather than playing the game.

Please make this an option in public orders. This is the least fun thing I’ve ever experienced in this game. It’s removing enjoyment from it at all, to spend ages trying to get the materials to progress… Then you can’t cause you’ve got to go spam trade chat for hours.


If there woud be option to set quality in public orders we woud end up with nothink but only orders for Q5 items with 1g fee, and some crafters woud styl do it just to do weekly quest

No one woud set quality lowere then 5 if that option exist in public orders.

If however that option woud exist to make it work there woud need to be some kind of penalty like you lost % of your mats per stars req if no crafter will do your order, so it woud force people to actualy pay for orders not set 1g order for R5 item

The problem here is AGAIN the power of inspiration. You cant guarantee a q5, you need an inspiration proc. On AH its only a problem insofar as it massively inflates the price of q2 compared to q3. But for orders for BoP items it creates this MASSIVE uncertainty you describe: will my 15 k gold + artisans mettle/spark of ingenuity be cimpletely wasted on a crap quality item, or will i get a BiS upgrade? I also have NO CLUE if the crafter accepting my order even have a chance to craft it at q4/q5.

Solution 1)
Make traders be able to put BoP items up on AH or remake the crafting orders system to be a BoP AH. This would need a tweak of the use of soulbound mats lite sparks/mettle. Maybe change them from a reagent needed to craft the item into a currency needed to BUY the item, that the crafter could then get something out of from a vendor (recipies, knowledge, gold, mats idk).

Solution 2)
Change the order system from customers listing items they want, to crafters posting items they can craft (with a search enginge for customers to find those who are able to craft the thing they want). This could include your inspiration/chance of creating quality X and quality Y at the time of posting, so you knew how your chances were of getting q5.

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One way could be to add a cost on public orders for each tier. Say for example that a public order would cost 25K gold per tier ( Q2-Q5 ) but having Q5 not be guaranteed. So if you choose Q5 only crafters that can do it for sure at Q5 or proc that quality with inspire bonus would be able to accept the highest quality orders. This would out a little risk/gamble around ot but you would not get worse then Q4 item.

So then you could choose to spend 100K gold and just list it if you do not want to search and find a crafter. You could set the comission to be 10-20% of this gold so crafters feel its worth doing public orders. If the cost is fairly high it will also make sure personal orders are relevant and the cheaper way to go and leave room for the crafter to take comission on them. It would also prevent the AH? from being flooded with orders in some way.

Just a thought that im sure could be improved or changed if needed. Was mroe thinking on how to make both systems relevant.

Agree totally. It sucks…I don’t know who comes up with the ideas, but I doubt it has anything to do with the OLD DEVELOPERS…after Draenor, everything changed and began the fall of WOW…Do they really need people to tell them or are they in denial? The fact I have to go through the greatest grinding to be able to craft high value weapons and armors and not be able to put them in the auction house is the most mind boggling lunacy I have seen. You think people will gather all these items to craft these weapons from orders? By the time they do, they wont really need it because they probably will have better ones. Good job guys…

I like how people say that adding quality requirements would break public order system. As if it is working in any shape or form right now lol.

Would love to see this happen, lmao. Feels s**t when you’ve put in top quality mats and a hefty commission to then have a lower quality item sent to you. Gr8, there goes those 50k.

Some of the crafters don’t even seem to read the message (to the them, the crafter) or anything, just take my mats, commission and go on with their day. GL HF with that skill increase I paid for!

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why woud any1 read description in public order? Its like reading terms of service when you instal anythink

Cause I write interesting stuff there

Inspiration proc is the problem on big huge items. I feel so crippled right now because I cannot get elemental lariat. It almost definitely will not proc first time which means you must rely on trust that your crafter will do what they say. They can just send back craft then ghost you. I blooming hate this so much, and so much so I’m not even crafting it. I hate this so much I’m angry.

The current system screws both crafters and customers.

I don’t want a weapon crafted unless it’s going to be max quality. I just took a gamble on an order with a message that if you can’t craft it at the highest quality, please leave for someone who can.

Somewhat predictably, 2 seconds later my order is filled, and it’s only 3*. I can’t even be mad at the crafter, they want skillups, and they don’t care about my requirement.

I’m not using the public order system again until they add some way to specify quality.

The crafting system really doesn’t work at all for items that can end up random quality. It has to be predictable.

With that said, I found it to be wonderful for getting items with no quality where the AH price is much higher than the raw material price. It’s also nice that you can track the materials, so you have a handy shopping list for the AH that also shows what you already have in your bags&bank. (Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler was 16k in the AH, but materials were something like 3k. I could probably even start “making” these for profit, but it’s really not my thing…)

Not being able to guarantee a complete R5 (418, missive and embelishment)even fully specialised, prof. geared and having the universal bonus maxxed (Hammer Control for Blacksmithing in this case), using Insight and T3 mats but rather being forced onto the Inspiration RNG is a classic Blizzard move…and it sucks. We are literally missing 10-15 skill points but hooray we have milestones that give +10 resourcefulness. Yay.
“Oh hey buddy, let me craft that 2 handed sword for you, don’t worry I’m a professional, but let me roll the dice real quick…nah, sorry it became a wet noodle instead, but it is still shiny!”


The order system is just plain stupid.
You should be able to set minimum quality on -any- order. Personal/guild should only be about keeping crafts in guild/friends so they can skill up from it but as you cant AH most of the stuff (or anything that would be of use past heroic dungeons) and replaced it with this order system, its just ridiculous that youre expected to pay commission and supply best mats you can to then get a baseline item.

9/10 times you’re paying someone else to gain skill for their profession and getting trash back.

Some of these mats arent easy to get or cost a fortune to buy off AH, at the very least add quality requirements, if you get no crafter it should be your choice to relist and pay more listing fee, or accept lower quality.

Id even see it as a fair trade if listing cost scaled with quality requirement, at least youd get actual value/use out of it.

well part of the problem is that comunity see 415 as weet noodle and 418 supper epick mega chad

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I actually do like the idea that 418 isn’t a guarantee. You can decide to use your insight (don’t), or inspiration. and as crafter you can decide how you want to sell that. You can stick to the “bring me everything and I do the craft” process, or currently I try the “send me gold, I take care of materials and recrafts”.

Some people like it, some not. But I can do more to provide extra service for my customers then just ‘press a button’.

Think on from crafter’s perspective. You get free 3 skill points (in general) that you cannot get anywhere else, and the guy offers you some money too? Why would you reject, from purely egoistic standpoint?
It’s already impossible to get skill points outside of those crafts. People would craft this stuff for free just to get points. They will definitly use your order to get those points, no matter what quality you ask for in description.
Because for every work order there are 100 unskilled crafters looking for free points. Just forget about the quality at all if you use this feature

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