No rank points when I win Blitz

Here’s a clearer and more polished version of your text:

I play a game where I win, deal the second highest damage on my team, capture the flag, and genuinely try to contribute to the victory. I’m never AFK, but despite all of this, I still get 0 rank points.

I’m rated between 1400-1600, and there was no cap. I wasn’t even the highest-rated player on my team, and in one of the games, our team had 100 fewer points on average than the opponents.

This has happened three times now, and it’s honestly made me want to stop playing.
Why play when you can only lose

So first of all, being top damage does not contribute with an addition of “bonus rating” also what MMR and what rating were you? A screenshot it all it takes for me to understand what seems to be causing a unchanged rating. Chances is either you are still in placement games and the system throw you to an much lower MMR than your personal rating, or your rating is higher than the average MMR of your team.

An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.

Then I will like to add an image to the post :smiley:
Sorry but we made this feature very hard to find

One example:

New Rating 1390 ; Rating Change 0

Your Team’s Matchmaking Value: 1466
Enemy Team’s Matchmaking Value: 1451

Killing Blows: 3 - 2/16
Honor: 578 - 2/16

Ok, so you need to try not lose many games, your win rate isn’t favouring your rating gainance. Try to maintain a streak of victories. Aim something like 3 victories a day, and try not to lose any, let the MMR inflate a bit as you go abd eventually you’ll break the deficit.

You are currently 38% win rate, try to get it up to 55% and you will eventually start earning rating.
Damage and killing blows have no effect in rating, you can still die 5-6 times and still make an impact in the battleground if you know what to do and what your team is telling you.

Communication and positioning is key, not score.

Has no impact on the score whatsoever

In next tread ppl says that damage, team fight, lot of things… I am puzzled!

It’s a fact, whoever is telling damage = more rating, it’s false.

I know that. But… you can’t convince people in that sometimes. Especially problem is the teamfight myth. People think it should be and should be win. But sometimes you need survive, CC, kill, not pure damage.

The sentiments is subjective, some people believe DPS = win, but it isn’t going to increase +5 rating more. It is winning streaks and MMR accumulation that contributes rating gains.

Not the same problem but I’m having a similar one where I keep getting matched with 400 rating lower than me, so even though I’ve not lost a game in a while, I never get any rating anymore and I’m just stuck. Super weird and boring to que when the risk is massive mmr decrease and gain is literally nothing, no % saddle progress and no mmr. (Currently above 2k, keep getting matched slightly over 1.6k, maybe not enough players? I’d rather take que times than completely useless matches, so far I’ve won every one so no mmr loss from it but also no gain.)

Thank you, you really looked.

My suggestion is to have a min value for a win, like 5pct.
Don’t make people play a game where they can only lose, lose time for playing, I don’t get conquest, no rating. I will be very happy if in my next game I get an AFK player :slight_smile: lovely.

The system is just pure garbage. If you have an unlucky streak, you lost so much mmr you cant gain points. You can only lose or gain nothing.

Works the same the other way around

Somewhat, yes. But if you have a win streak, you wont get into elo hell with ppl, who play like bad trolls, ignore objectives, dont have keybinds, eyes, brains, hands, monitors and similar paralympics, that will make your win streak to get the lost cr/mmr back impossible.

Is there an official point calculation/table?
yes- show me please
no- then the system is broken

Getting 0 points for win is so messed up, no matter of what!

Placement games:
First 5 games 5 different player got DCed and you were playing 7 vs 8. Next game you DC. Next 2 games someone sabotaged the game. So game “thinks” player is bad and is punished for that.
Wow bravo!

Winning streak:
You win 5 games in a row (and that is like an epic moment), you got 0 points first game, then 4, 11, 8 and 15. It is just random and no one can tell us how to calculate this! You would think now you are placed with big boys and it would make sense that when you loose, you will loose the same amount as when you won right? No, your first game you loose is like20-25 points but how if the wining streak should put me in the right bracket and it even shows on team score.

So anyone defending this will come with “but” (there is no but, tell me how you got to the number +4 for a win or -25 for loss)“probably” “you need to” (we need to win yes, but how can you get 0 points for a win, what kind of sadistic thing is this?) “your MMR/CR (after a wining streak, how on earth is someone awarded to be matched with a -400 MMR ?)”, there is no official table or calculator that I can put numbers in it and do the math! Just 3, 4 player non official statements.

since then I plated 0 blitz games, not even from the token quests :frowning:

and looking at the reported queue time I was not the only one