No-RDF is about socializing, among other things

Poker proffessionals agree that social setting is of the upmost importance as basis for reading/understanding how opponents think and act in poker play. And therefore seek live games as opposed to internet poker. In live poker they can ask “random” questions/start “random” conversations. But while the social setting is 100 percent needed, the goal isnt to socialize, but to win most money possible.

And then you also have ppl that enjoy the social setting and its conversations, while at the same time having a clear goal to win most money (people in this catefory probably are the sanest/healthiest and will win most in the long run). And you also have ppl that dont care much about the outcome/money, and only cares about the social setting/competition. This last category poker-players are often called whales in poker, rich ppl/ppl that have far more money than the stakes/people they play against.

In wow-threads in these forums the ppl that want RDF focus talking about how anti-RDF-people wants the socializing the no-RDF gives, and ridicules that. Those people dont know what they are talking about.

Do we really need a new topic about this?


At least you tried.
Imo, absolutely stupid comparison when you take in account the state of the game and other things :slight_smile:
But …
Lets squeeze the maximum outcome of the easiest iteration of HC dungeons ever !!! :smiley:


What does this game or any of us have to do with poker? I can’t even… are you drunk?


OP’s post are almost always like this. either asking about things anybody’ll know if they played WoW for more than 3 hours, or comparing to some outlandish thing. It’s not worth the while answering him on those posts. … think the word I’m looking for is innuendo.

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So is the OP for or against RDF? I can’t tell.

Personally I’m for it.


He’s against it.

His reasoning is bonkers cause he thinks you can see people’s tells when you form your dungeons manually rather than through RDF though.

Anyone who is against RDF is against the WoW community.

They are basically saying “SCREW YOU PEOPLE ON SMALLER SERVERS”

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They’re just selfish and care way too much about other people getting ready for the raiding scene cause “they had to do it the hard way”.

I’d rather have a healthy game myself.

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I’ve always thought that it doesn’t really matter how groups are formed as long as they are formed, and the more difficult it is to make groups the less groups will be formed.



If you read forum posts from people on smaller servers, they claim it takes 45 minutes to form a heroic group.

I am on Gehennas, i literally list myself as dps/tank/healer and get instant invites.

People think that the 2004 era is going to come back cause “they had to form their groups manually”.

It obviously wont.

Times simply changed, we’ll never get back to mass instant communication being a novelty.

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The more interesting the game is socially, the larger crowd of people you will have to make groups from, and thus more groups will be made.

Oh yeah, we definitely saw this effect happen in Classic and TBCC.


Oh hold on a minute…


Wrong. The more difficult it is to make groups the less groups will be formed. This has been proven comparing Classic Vanilla and Classic TBC to retail in the same level groups.

You are pushing your philosophy onto others like a religion. People will not do something if it’s difficult, that has been proven scientifically.


3 ppl just called you wrong.

Maybe you are the one in the wrong, Have you ever thought about that?

Ofc Im not wrong.

Sure buddy. No wonder why classic community is so toxic.

“No-RDF is about socializing”
If you title your thread this way, I’m expecting some proof. Because like the other similar threads, socializing is a word that appears a lot.

However, I have yet to see any proof that no-rdf improves the social aspect and yes-rdf negatively impacts it.
Why? Because you can’t prove something that isn’t true.

Have you done any dungeons in wotlk?
You’re level 50 so ofcourse you haven’t done any.
I have. The only ones where socializing happened were guild runs.

OP, like the other special folk who whine about RDF, actually have no idea why they whine or what they are whining about.
You’re hiding behind an alt for a reason, so I do not care about your opinion.

To be frank. This isn’t about the option or choice to interact(like with your poker example), but about an attempt to force interaction, which pretty much never goes well. As we’ve seen repeatedly through all versions of Classic and other hurr durr old school hardcore dead on arrivals.

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