No rdf please!

aah the antisocial going at it again, “RDF didn’t change a thing for the social aspect bcs I am anti social to begin with”


MMORPG get it trhough your heads.


Instant teleports kill traveling and seeing other players in the WORLD of WORLD of Warcraft. Geting in to a dungeon with one click again and again removes the reason to quest outside in the WORLD in WORLD of Warcraft. Not having to join a guild or to find friends to do dungeons with, removes social aspect in MMO. Not having to find compromises or maybe even becoming friends with ppl you might not like at the begining because they can be instantly replaced, removes social aspect in MMO.
So you are completely wrong here. And your mistake is that you dont understand you should stay on Retail. Rdf was not in wrath allmost throught out the whole expansion yet it was and still is in every retail expansion. And as time had shown it was a mistake which later evolved in to lfr and garrisons so players can have acces to everything without the need to socialise and be out in the WORLD in WORLD of Warcraft


And what about battlegrounds?

I would say, this is heavily false.
How do I meet players while traveling to dungeon ? You are casualy socializing with people while flying to dungeon ?
Near dungeon there are two possible groups of people.

  1. Opposite faction - want to socialize via killing
  2. Your own faction - with already established groups, running to dungeon
    Or what do you mean by , seeing other players , ? I can see other players everywhere in game.
  • With RDF, players wont stay in the city spamming lfg channel. You can see it with PvP. Players do not afk near battlemaster, but indeed are out in the world.

for real ? :smiley: why the hell should I socialize with someone who I does not like on a first glance in a game with thousands of people ?

I am just stunned how disjointed ( or do they even play the game to see what it became ? ) are people talking about socializing and so called social aspect. Social aspect of the game are GUILDS not pugging rdf …

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How is it proven wrong?

Please learn to game before talk :

Here your tutorial => All anti-RDF arguments are outdated - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

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I won’t click any links.
And here is your tutorial =>

  1. Go to Battle net launcher.
  2. Above Play button there is a tab. Click on it. Select Retail and press Play.
  3. When in game open rdf tab, chose the role you want to play and press Find Dungeon.
  4. Enjoy!

Less players questing also makes questing more appealing, especially on very populated realms.

Yeah afking on a flight path or auto-running while watching YouTube makes the world so alive.

Why can’t you click that tab and select “World of Warcraft Classic” and leave my WOTLK alone with your weird opinions that I should be forced to “compromise” with a-holes.


RDF is needed as hell. This new tool is always down on my server and ppl w\o LFG bulletin addon cannot find me in fast stream /4 channel. Moreover, “dead” servers cannot even dream to get into Heroics 5-ppl dung

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You don’t like Wotlk, you don’t like this game, this game seems not for you, you try to change this game. You don’t even try to know why you are wrong.

Go back to Classic ERA.
Problem solved.


NO RDF! thank you very much <3


You don’t like Wotlk, you don’t like this game, this game seems not for you, you try to change this game. You don’t even try to know why you are wrong.

Go back to Retail.
Problem solved.

We want to play wotlk as it was originaly designed - without rdf. Only because this mistake named rdf was added to the game on the last patch, does not mean rdf was meant to be in wotlk.

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RDF should come in the ICC phase like it originally came. Not earlier, not later.


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Rdf should not come in any of wotlk phases.


Remove queue from anywhere.

So, you want automated dungeons because no one can stand your attitude.

That’s what I get from your manners.

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Why can’t you click that tab and select “World of Warcraft Retail” and leave my WOTLK alone with your weird opinions that rdf is wotlk feature only because it was added by mistake at the end of expansion

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Both wrong
back when wrath was the least expansion i had 7 80. Most of them leveled by doing dungeon AND quests. I can’t level like this in this wrath version because if i want to do a dungeon i have to focus only on that. Basically now i’m only inside a dungeon or traveling to train new skills
Also wrong on the social side too. I have talked with other players in 80 ff14 level with a rdf function than i have done now without it

I played Wotlk over 12 years, what about you casual random vanilla player ?

Y go back to Classic ERA and stop ruining our game thanks.

This guy is a troll, i don’t know why i’m feeding him

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Yes, turn it around and get offended while having no arguments whatsoever :clown_face:
Good luck mate and have a nice day :]