"No servers are currently available (BLZ51934200)"

i cant even login to wow, so i cant even see what servers are on, sad that i got dc but not my friends and they are still doing arena , let me in blizzard :frowning:

It works. Thank you!

it has been working the whole time, they just arent letting people in the server but those who are still playing are in the server

at least give all the players that can’t get in a statement @blizzard

okey finally im in

Are only people from Retail getting in or classic is getting some love aswell?

I get the no servers available on Classic, but retail (yuk) is fine.

retail working fine just classic is down at least for me

Retail is up, but classic still down :((((((

Fantastic. Retail getting all the love, but our old dad boomers have to bite the bullet :frowning:

Been trying to log in for 20-30min now, tried repairing my game aswell as starting it directly from the game directory, neither worked. Guild is raiding naxx and im just sitting here malding listeining to them wipe.

Anyone from classic managed to log in?

classic is also down xD

Excatly, same thought!

Nope. Guess we’re at the bottom of the food chain.

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Where is my Rend?!

Think the ones getting in, are lucky because we others just dc’d out.

Or they have sharding Problems .

AT least there is hope they just decided to fix retail first and classic is getting to it later…