No show for rated queues

2 hours of account wide no show if you don’t join a rated content queue pop, both arenas and blitz. pls implement asap

Rating loss should also be implemented if the person doesnt accept the pop.

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You get deserter and lose rating + mmr if you don’t join arena. Shuffle is a different story, it’s annoying when you constantly get a new pop but as long as it’s not a healer not joining it’s pretty much irrelevant.

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/10 char

Nope. Correct.

you lack of lot of knowledge about why people are missing queues

Ok but you can tell?

I’m not here to teach you what you’re missing, now stop embarassing yourself


Nah, I often que shuffel as heal and when the que comes let it run out , because I realize how little fun it would be. And log on a dps for free rating.

Wouldn’t like to get a 2h lock for that

You can’t teach anyone anyways because you know nothing. Might want to consider following your own advice.

they need to be more harsh
players should get a 1hour ban that doubles each time they dont enter

and a -50 cr -150mmr punishment

Would love to get punished after sitting 50 min ques.


That would actually benefit people. Just queue, don’t accept. Rinse repeat until your in mmr gutter where you destroy people. =easy conquest, easy content for streamers.

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it would be hand in hand with a 1 hour ban that doubles each time
they would have to go through 7 days of been banned before it would be " beneficial "

if they want to sit 7 days of being banned just to get 1 easy game… good for them

Oh yeah just let me take a -150cr punishment after sitting 30 min in queue and having it pop exactly when I go to the bathroom for 2 minutes.


very well spoken :clap:

im on your side with that!

I and many other players are losing our valuable time because of lazy slobs that dont accept the que. I dont like it when someone toys with my time! Do that and you should get punished for it.

I dont know if its going to sound harsh of what I have to say but I have changed my mind. The penalties I mentioned was ‘deserter ban’ that doubles each time and ‘rating loss’ but now I want it to be a permanent ban for those that do it too often.

Its always the same kind of people that doesnt accept. ‘Oh I lost the que because I was busy having my hands under the desk drooling on my phone watching stuff… Oh I just need to go to the toilet… Oh im just going to this and that.’ No. I want you to stare at the screen and wait until it pops. I dont care if its 10 20 or 30 mins, your going to stare at the screen and hit accept. I dont care if you need to go to the toilet, just do it in your pants. Your at home anyways and can take a shower after the match.

Sit in a 45 minute Solo Shuffle queue, go for a dump, come back to a 2 hour deserter account wide buff. Sounds good.

What they actually need to do is implement a queue pause feature. Your only option being joining a skirmish, going afk and coming back to then restart the queue when you leave is bad game design for all involved.

Oh and to ban healers who deliberately hold solo shuffle queues hostage :+1:

Thanks for your input but there is no need for pause feature. We already have a feature called Leave Queue.
Going to do other stuff? Leave the queue and stop wasting everyone elses time.

play healer