No spectral tiger + new twitch drops

man idk and i cant verify how they got them if they were duped or legit buy and tbh idc in any case.
when i see them ingame,I just see a sick looking mount and i kno it costs around 8-10k nowdays?

even if it was mass duped during mop,still few got them and a lot more crave them so

If you envy a person over pixels then i do not have the words to say…

i said i envy in a good way man its a big difference compared to being jealous and salty.
im glad they own a super rare sick looking mount.,good for them


no such thing but you do you :slight_smile:

Are you dissing the Bronze Drake? These be fighting words.


Wooly White Rhino is obtainable through Black market auction house, it’s unlikely they would give it away for free on twitch, when its available ingame for gold.

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I didn’t know that … but I’m pretty sure I’ll never have enough gold for it :cry:

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Honestly Ion is a sophist who can spin a narrative any way he likes at any time.

His word now means nothing a few months/years in the future

i dunno about you guys but after collecting nearly 600/700 mounts
i just dont care about mounts anymore they have lost their prestige

im more interested in Toys that can break the game for PvP or PvE

Im really glad that they are keeping the spectral tiger so exclusive…
frankly all the spectral mounts are kinda ugly and the OG one is probably the worst so Im more then happy to let the special snowflakes hoard that one away.
Id much rather they released mounts like the rooster or rhino.

Looks + access.

How is any mount different than any other? The Swift Palomino has the same practical use as any other ground mount, bar the “special” ones with vendors of course. Same goes for the wyverns and flying mounts.

The reason anyone grinds or pays money for a mount is because of 2 things: aesthetics and prestige. Spectral Tiger looks cool. This, combined with the fact that there is currently a very limited supply, drive up demand.

Im not owner of Spectral Tiger and Im glad that at least devs themselves have some sense and wont throw it to some stupid twitch drops and dont ruin its uniqueness and prestige - apart from some people here, that was begging and moaning here on forums for Spectral Tiger to be given with twitch drops or some people also suggested (seriously) to give Spectral Tiget to ingame shop, lmao…
Im also glad that with DF devs do really good job with listening more to community, but lets be honest, in some cases its just good they dont listen to some of their suggests, because some of them are BS honestly

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Spectral tiger will come later just relax, they get millions if they release it.

They like money

You’re not alone!

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love the abk double standards. Devalue all other mounts but keep the most expensive exclusive. I dint have any of these tcg mounts but it must be a punch in the face for feldrake owners.

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Well it is another Ion statement. The guy states something and then blizzard does the opposite few weeks after. So yea. Expect tiger soon.

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