No Tbc Era = No Wotlk Era

With all the people clamouring for Dungeon finder and Dual spec, I would expect most to go on to Wrath, and only a minorioty - maybe double of who’s playing Classic Era - to stay in TBCC Era.

Why do you think most would stay in TBCC?

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I wish I shared your confidence, but Blizzard have done some notoriously dumb things over the last few years, things that defy all reason and logic.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if, as 2025 approached we’d get a: “Hey guys, we’re thrilled to announce Cataclysm Classic. All Wrath of the Lich King Servers will be upgraded to Cataclysm, and we have no plans to retain any dedicated servers for Wrath”.


Totally agree with your! Really next on start CATA all characters force transfer to cata from wotlk.
I suggest writing with our problem to Brian Birmingham in twitter (!)

PS: On start Classic Project, game position be as museum of classic expansions, now we see position as “GAME GOING TO ROUND NUBMER TWO (from Classic to next expansions), without save progress of characters in old expansions” - it’s very bad.


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