No Tbc Era = No Wotlk Era

I know alot of people prefer Wotlk over Tbc but please help us fight for Tbc Era realms, or you might be forced into Cata…How would that make you feel?


how can blizz handle a forever season 4 on a tbc era server just asking

Well they should figure something out…same prob applies to wotkl, if it is a problem

There are some solutions:

  • Reruns of the final season, no new gear at all, from competitive perspective best solution but not very motivating.
  • Add new arena seasons and new gear but gear upgrades are less powerful
  • Add a large pool of items for each class to cover variety of different specs, meaning it would take multiple seasons acquire all of the items, but essentially arena seasons are reruns with same available gear (eventually items will run out)
  • Diablo 3 like arena seasons, unique season gear available each arena season, after season ends the gear goes to discount, after that it disappears

About the topic itself, I doubt everyone will jump on the WoTLK train, which means that there should be TBC classic servers so that people do not lose their characters. People have their favorite expansions, for many it’s TBC and WoTLK. It’s not an acceptable solution to force everyone in TBC to go WoTLK. It should be clear that this cannot happen.


Honestly, if retail wont have good expansion by the time wotlk ends I am quitting wow for good xD not really worried about wotlk era :smiley:

Biggest problem is what do you do with era servers … do you just reset them every year or so? Or do you add new items making half of the nochanges spammer get collective seizure? Or do you create that SoM abomination ?

We will not see any new good expansion. It’s all the same. I will play wotlk, cata and mop. Then I am done with the game. Retail looks so goofy and has become a furry game lol. Can’t stand it.

Era servers are meant to be “museum” servers. Forever stuck in the last phase og each expansion. IT works fine for Classic Era, and I am naive enought to think it’ll work for TBCC Era serves as well.
One of the ideas is to have our characters there to gloat over or what to call it always.


we all know what happens after wotlk starting at cataclysm without era servers. players will quit, slowly but surely. having all expansion available long term, the playerbase will split some more, but at least players wont quit as fast, since they can play what they like.


Or restart the progression with Vanilla once there is demand for it. ATM, people are happy to progress into WOTLK, there isn’t a huge demand for static TBC servers yet.

All I can say is that we will probably see it at a later time, when the urge to play TBC again returns.

But this is the reason I dont play retail…I dont have time to re-lvl and regear constantly to have fun…if there were tbc era, I could play casual and have fun all the time


But if it’s added later, we can’t have the now-toons there, later start defeats the whole idea behind Era servers, them being a museum for the expansion.

Exactly this. I’m not done with TBCC either yet.


I think the solution sooner or later will be being able to have a one time copy of each character on next higher add-on so you can decide when you want to switch.
So if you have the famous full T3 with Atiesh/Corrupted Ashbringer on your character then you decide it is time and copy your character to TBC to level their to level 70 and complete all undone classic quests because reputation is getting reduced when the quest is overleveled.

Slowly?? I have heard people say vanilla was best, TBC, WotLK, even some of the newer ones like MoP and Legion, but never in my entire life have I ever heard anyone say that cata was the best expansion, in fact, it is usually the opposite.

There is no way that Blizzard doesn’t already know that forcing people into cataclysm (again) would be an absolute disaster.

Need TBC ERA and WotLK ERA later.
Gold times of World of Warcraft!

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Slowly? No immediately!

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They can’t even figure out what too do in Retail…
You are overestimating this indy companies capablities.

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Yeah, most people who say good things about Cata only said one thing why they would want a Cata server. Because MOP comes next. MOP players see Cata as a necessity to have MOP realms, that’s all.

MoP was DREADFUL in my opinion.

I quite liked Cata in all honestly but feel WOTLK is the best.

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How would that make you feel?

Like crawling through a septic tanks while having buckets of cold sick poured over my head, while James Blunt’s Your Beautiful blasts over the speakers on infinite repeat.

If I were forced into Crapacylsm I’d cancel my account so quickly that my fingers would be a blur on the keyboard.

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It’s an interesting dilemma. They can keep TBC up, and have a very diminished player presence in WOTLK, Or they can force everyone into WOTLK, but risk losing some people.

I don’t see that Blizz would be dumb enough to go up to Cataclysm Classic, much less would they force people into it. It’s no big secret that the franchise peaked at Wrath and Cata is widely considered to be the expansion where things started going sideways. If they force people into Cata Classic, Classic will die a very swift death.