No toggle for animated action bar icons?

Totally agree. Revert old “micro menu bar” or add option to make it smaller

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Kaythe spotted that it’s on the known issues/bug list. It’s meant to be able to be resized less than 100%. So hopefully we will get a fix soon.

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i think they sayd it was a common problem they were going to fix.
Nvm. I’m dumb and i didn’t read the last comments before creating mine XD

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Older WoW player here (by standards I guess, although 40’s not that old). I hate it. I don’t want sparkly stuff on my bars, I got WA’s for this.

There should be an option to disable this, but there’s legit NO OPTION :(.


I am quite confused. What animations are so flashy?

a) blizz did a canary deployment and we see different menus

b) some population of wow got some kind of bug

c) you are all overreacting

With the assumption that we are experiencing the same UI animations, I’m glad it does not bother you as it bothers me and a lot of other people, but calling it an overreaction is silly. Surely you’re not against there being an option to turn off UI animations for the people that find it distracting?


Yep it’s my only dislike about the patch atm. I actually make some mistakes now because the icrons are flashy and confusing on what to press.

We are talking about the new animations on the acions bars, nothing to do with menus. Some people like myself have visual issues and sensitivity to these kind of things. Just becuase they are fine for you doesn’t mean everyone else who has a problem with them are overreacting.

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Any default way to disable the DF rested animation?

You have visual issues of a casting bar, which is the same animation of the ordinary casting bar, just made it fit into a square icon. Ok.

It’s distracting. Every time some glow is added it draws your attention to it and therefore away from something else, so adding a glow that sets your vision somewhere with duplicate information that you already know intuitively as well is just stupid.

I’m not too bothered because I hide most of my action bars anyway, but yeah I’d absolutely want to turn this tragedy off.

Blizzard has no idea how to make a good UI. It’s time for a search and replace operation, I’m tired of this.

No, I am ok with this. But I wonder what exactly is the problem with those animations to warrant such an uproar?

I tried to make it smaller but the aberration is stil an aberration. Must be shameful to change something better for these icons, I am really afraid of WoW visual design future at this point.

because it can be quite difficult to see when you get a spell proc when all your spells have the animated crap

My bad, I misunderstood the main thread. I am using domino’s so I have not seen new animations. Need to check them out.

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You might find out if you read the posts in the thread.

Like this one:

Dominos displays them.

It isn’t just about that cast bar animation, there’s other effects too such as procs and GCD animations all on top of each other inside little icons and multiple icons animating all at once in a small space.

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For anyone interested another player has posted a link for a simple addon to disable these new animations in another thread.


yeah it’s all just been awful. I remember seeing a tweet back when they were first talking about ui changes, from a dev asking about it, and some guy replying that he wouldn’t mind it, as long as it was optional, and wouldn’t mess with his current UI (paraphrasing here). the dev even replied positively to this. and yet here we are. stuff being forced down our throats, again and again. blizzard never learns.

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