No toggle for animated action bar icons?

Is there seriously no toggle for the new animations on action bars?
For all Blizzard talks of giving players the tools to customize their UI so they don’t need to use addons it feels like every patch something new and obnoxious is added to the UI that isn’t an option.

I used to use the default UI. Now EVERY patch I’m forced to either find an addon that lets me actually customize away the unwanted changes being made constantly, or wait for Blizzard to actually add in customization for it - usually long after I’ve ran out of patience.

Your mission statement with the UI overhaul was to allow it to be customizable.
Please start making that the case when you actually add these new features, it’s infuriating, especially when they’re as visually clutter and obnoxious as this one, it’s like there’s a rave going on at the bottom of my screen.


What new animations?

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Not that I can find yet but I really hope there is or an addon that gets rid of it because it is just visual overload for me currently.


Well, a lot of people who prefer the default UI like the simplicity of its configuration, and avoid addons because they don’t want to spend X hours familiarizing themselves with all the settings.

I told you guys this was gonna happen when blizz announced revamping the UI.

What’s more funny is the revamp was supposed to be a step towards eliminating the need for addons but instead it spawned new ones whose sole purpose is to revert the default UI to its former state.


Yeah, we’re going to end up with everyone using a UI addon. I’ve not seen the new action bars but I’ve liked little about any of the changes so far. I’ve done my best to recreate the old default UI but I might have to find a UI addon to keep that.

I’m not sure who these changes are for. Those that didn’t like the default UI had plenty of addons to work with and those that did like the default didn’t need any changes. The changes don’t offer anywhere close to the options addons gave so those people don’t need these changes either.

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I don’t like that I can’t shrink the Micro menu bar at the bottom right. I had it smaller before and now it’s 100% or bigger only :frowning:


Really? New animation, how do they look? :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve pretty much stopped using this, it’s too small and grey. I found it too fiddly. I use I for LFG, Y for achievements, M for quest log etc.

Not seen the new one yet (not logged in today yet, will be in after lunch).

They have updated it in game, but both the addon and the standard UI are now too big for my liking:-

I liked it better before when it was smaller, like this:-


Well it’s a macro menu now.

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Have you tried to scale your UI out? I did that and mine is not too bad, not sure if it will be small enough for you but its worth a try at least. :heart:




Yeah i noticed it on PTR and really hoped it could be disabled as i was sturggling with it visiually too, so much so that it effected my play and gave me headache. Making everything flashy does not make it better. :unamused:


am also tired of the animation on the icons.
I find it very confusing.
If anyone knows where to turn it off, I’d love to hear it


I have no options to shrink that bar, it starts at 100%

I agree. I liked the colours because I found it easier to note which button was which but the additional bigger size feels like it is punching me in the face. I would like to be able to shrink it back.


I just shrank new menu icons in Bartender, was surprised to see that the size cannot be changed in default game options. On my laptop new icons were looking wildly out of place. I also could not return them to their previous place right above the bottom edge of the screen. Either the bottom part of the menu was cut off or there was like 1 cm between bottom edge and icons.
It seems that bartender also automatically removes new animations - didn’t know about them until I read forum.

Yep, it is like the kindergarten version of what we had before. The colours are an improvement, but it’s so big… They must be pandering to the older wow-players xD

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An option to turn off this visual clutter would be great. Not sure why you’d implement such intrusive animations without options to choose what, if any, of these new animations you’d want to see…


I don’t know why, but I’m also getting very distracted by those weird new animations on the spell icons. They just throw me off my game, literally, and I can’t seem to focus on using my spells to heal people while avoiding mechanics, because my eyes just keep getting drawn to the animations. Please, please, PLEASE give us the option to turn it off, it’s insanely frustrating and annoying! Why did you even do this when no one asked for it?