#NoBetainviteClub šŸ²

Never turns down a reason to party, even if itā€™s a sad one


Group hug him!


All classes i enjoy are very good currently in Shadowlands, Fluid and fun.

But an expansion removes those things, like set bonus, Conduits, legendary items.

So a new expansion makes everything feels slugglish and bad.

New expansions or ā€œcontentā€ is often the worst thing to happen for retail.

I donā€™t live in gothenburg but maybe like 90 minute drive from it.

Hereā€™s a sea picture for you, that i took in May


Those moves and thatā€™s the spirit! :man_dancing:t3::mirror_ball:

Agree! :joy: Iā€™m 100% Swedish material whiter then the snow :snowflake: (last time I went out 2005) !

Absolutely stunning picture m8. This is why I love west coast life :heart_eyes:

Careful, given your forum diet it might be something else than you falling in love with that pizza :wink:

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Haha! Iā€™m impressed that the clown survive the strict high carb diet. But the legends say that he workout a lot to balance life! :sweat_smile:

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Yes, he shared some of his secrets in the foodie club hub :shushing_face:


Yes that a concern that I have too! But balance canā€™t we worse then now right, right?

Anyhow enjoy a free beer until DF :beer: and let us grill some delicious Tauren while we are waiting. Sorry beefyclown!

There is one single thing that completely ruins that entire town.
This little thing right here:

Half the cars in the country are crammed into that one tunnel and the second they leave it thereā€™s a lane direction sign and suddenly everyone realizes theyā€™re in the wrong lane and try to switch but itā€™s already too late and chaos ensures.

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And old saying in Europe is: all way take you to Rome.
But in Gothenburg do we say: all ways take you to Oslo (Norway). Be careful which lane you choose :joy:


Thatā€™s a good one :rofl:
Also true

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Cheers to beer

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Iā€™ve had beta to most expansions (not the first few which were very selective). Not this time, but itā€™s ok as I donā€™t like spoilers and like an expansion to be fresh. Though I do like bug hunting too. Canā€™t really do both ā€¦ specially as Iā€™m a member of this club :smiley:


Pfff let those people have the fancy beta ā€¦

we all know this is where the party is at!

Not expecting much for beta Never got a invite as long as i play Iā€™m not a hardcore raider Just someone who likes taking his time Iā€™m not competive

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you are the type of players which count imo ā€¦

not the raiders or the mythic pushersā€¦

but you the ones who just play ā€¦

Usually, I feel sad for not getting the beta despite pre-ordering.
But for DF, Iā€™d be surprised if I got an invite because I havenā€™t pre-ordered yet :joy:

I absolutely understand you! It is very fun indeed to explore something for the first time without spoilers!
And I do also like the bug hunting but there is likely many other that enjoy that to and do our job as good or better! :slight_smile:

Meanwhile here you have a glass of wine :wine_glass:

Thatā€™s right.

I did cave and bought the pre-order even though I said I wouldnā€™t!
I must slow down on the weekend wine, otherwise do stuff like this happen!

But now when you are here take some wine :wine_glass: (on the house)!

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First beta I havenā€™t been invited to.

No idea why. I guess Iā€™ve been pulled off a list somewhere.

Oh well, itā€™s not as if my feedback ended up doing much good the last two times. It was fun I guess, but Iā€™ll just have that same fun a few months later.

Half my friends listā€™s got it though, so a little frustrating in that sense. They keep telling me to log over only to learn that I canā€™t.