#NoBetainviteClub šŸ²

Sips alpha tea and enjoys beta cookies
Oh, my bad wrong room. But in all honesty, you guys are not missing out much.

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Thatā€™s the worst part. It divide us from our friends. When wrath classic and Beta did release did 70% of the keys in m+ disappear.

But yea we will get the expansion sooner or later. We shall have our own party he until the release.

Here you go :wine_glass::beer:

i have yet to buckleā€¦

no money from me yet


my thoughts exactlyā€¦

Intruder alert :rotating_light: Intruder alert :rotating_light: Intruder alert :rotating_light: Intruder alert :rotating_light: Intruder alert :rotating_light:

Keep up the work with bug report. And please make sure that they donā€™t add stupid AP systems. Promise me that, okey?

I bet that it gets old kinda fast and it isnā€™t that fun to progress when everything gets a reset!
It is work with no pay :moneybag:

Be strong brother. Do that I never could!

i did spend over Ā£150 on indie games on steam earlier though ā€¦

so maybe not so STRONK after allā€¦

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Beta invite for every nice forumer! :pinched_fingers:


So far what i have seen is that it does look promising and has much to do at the start and no AP farming or any sort yet. Cannot speak about future patches but time will tell how it goes.
I gave my heavy feedback on the specifics i do/main/QoL things. But other than that i am sure you fellas will get in eventually to give your side of the feedback as well.


i am the nicest of the forumers everyone knows this

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I Hope Wow gets to a point that it can be tested completely internally/under NDA without any of us worrying about what theyā€™re doing wrong, having guideā€™s available day 1 will always make people sacrifice their own enjoyment of the experience for the sake of efficiency, Iā€™ve already seen that people view Beta as Early-access rather than a testing period, and then they plan to speed run on day 1.

But yeah, letā€™s all party, and do our best to remain oblivious until launch (apart from systems, kinda important to make sure thereā€™s no Bullcrap) :smiley:

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That is what most people use the beta for ā€¦ to plan the most effective route to get to max level quickly ā€¦

so they can stream it and brag about how good they are and how much faster they are than everyone elseā€¦

when they totally didnt have months of month of time to train before hand not at allā€¦

EDIT: completely why world firsts are a joke in this gameā€¦

no different for raidingā€¦ months of training in advanceā€¦ which other guild dont get ā€¦

Gee wonder why its always the same top guild which reach the top lolā€¦

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Data mining is an issue for that, too.
Raiding being part of main line progression is an issue with that too.

If raids were stand alone content they could make it as hard as they want with no tuning needed, as it would be designed for the competitive players, and if details on the raid were tested internally and couldnā€™t be data mined, the first time we all see the raid would be universally a fresh experience for everyone.

BUT ANYWAYS thatā€™s a tangent for a different thread lol, my apologies OP.

Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes! :smiley:

RWF could have its own tournament servers with propers scaling for that purpose. Only then doesnā€™t the race interfere with normal players and normal servers! :slight_smile:

We have our guards up :wink:

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nah itā€™d be possible to have those people on our same servers, just so long as the content is brand new to everyone at the same time with 0 information on it before going in (also no bullcrap designed specifically to drag out RWF, because there are a ton of regular players that want to tackle that challenge too)

Me Da Blokiest of Da BOiz

That part is the exact reason why I never opted in for Alpha/Beta, so I would not be disappointed if I did not get an invite, until now. Because for some reason, Iā€™m hyped up for the new Expansion more than ever, maybe because itā€™s Dragon-themed and I like that.

Even though I opted it now for the first time, I will not bothered if I get an invite or not. I think of it like this: If I get an invite I will be able to check out some things, but not too much, or if I do not get an invite, it will all feel fresh when it releases. And there are videos shared by others on YouTube etc. while that is not as exciting as when I play it myself, it still kind of a preview that give some idea.

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Yepp! But most guild donā€™t stand a chance to compete with players that have practiced for months and also have a freaking studio with analyzers/statistics/programmers working for them.
It is kinda sick that they even do it all for minimum reward. Look at ppl that compete in ā€œfortniteā€ 12 yo boys that do 20 times more money :yen: on less effort.

So I feel kinda bad for the RWF people too. They have same compassion for the game as we have otherwise wouldnā€™t they even do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea I do the same I look at talents and stuff thru streamers and then decide if itā€™s good. And it is also very informative to read the feedback threads on NA forum to get a hint how the tree is developing. :slight_smile:

i played fortnite before it was cool

just putting it out thereā€¦

<---- ahead of the curveā€¦

(i also gave it up before it was cool too game sux lol)

Never played Fortnite myself. My impression is that Fortnite is like a Amish CS :wink:

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well i was following it in pre-alpha it was just a monster wave shooter builderā€¦

i played it before it went f2p and battle royale ā€¦

quit before it went battle royale tooā€¦

EDIT: i hate everything that game stands for now and what its done to the gaming industry.

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