#NoBetainviteClub 🐲

Let party :tada: I have not been invited once since 2005! I’m not a streamer nor have the intention to be! I just enjoy the game!

BUT see it from the bright side, we can feel all fresh and crisp when it releases, while alpha/beta testers already feel burned out.

We can thank them for the guides later. :slight_smile:

So let’s party in here until DF :dragon_face::dragon:


all hail to everyone :wine_glass:


I’ve had my TL3 long before I even started spamming these forums, so someone messed up big time! And gave me an inv to a Beta.

I have no idea which Beta though.

Let’s eat


Food and wine :wine_glass: hail the nectar of gods!

Pre-expansion launch is the season to learn when everyone started playing the game :grin:


Not bad clown, but we can do better.

These people deserve the best! Don’t hold back.


We have to talk about the fact that we probably live somewhat near each other. Shall we make a big feast with food and beer + hell lot of video games?

Dreamhack + food festival :heart_eyes:

I did just get Wrath beta :joy:

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I live near the beach in Sweden.

My heart though belongs closer to middle/southern EU

Send more food!

I live in Gothenburg so close to sea at least!

Food food food. Just w8 until I get my TL3 back!

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Why would you WANT Beta tho?

I just rather personally play it when the efforts i put in actually matter.

Leveling to 70 or gathering stuff in beta would feel so pointless


Now i want beer :frowning:


Just to try out classes and report bug. I have all classes at max lvl and play most of them on a fairly ok level so I guess it would make sense.

But yes you are absolutely right :slight_smile:

I always want beer :beer: IPA, APA, STOUT, light, dark!


This pic was posted by Alagondar in another thread here. Hopefully he won’t mind.

One of the best pizza/beer pics I’ve seen in my life.

Oh be still my beating heart!


:beer: :beer: :beer:

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i always stay away from alpha betas etc tbh, that’s why i don’t sing up to em :smiley:

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Class changes from TBCC to WOTLKC recently felt amazing and everyone got a massive power boost.

But stuff like that just does not happen in retail.

It is almost always a damage DECREASE when a new expansion comes to Retail.

So there’s never any Joy in testing out class changes.


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never been invited… since 2005

but also never signed up

am i allowed in ?


Holy moly! Is that a “julbord” (Christmas food) pizza? I wouldn’t mind it at all!

Smart boy :slight_smile:

You are always welcomed in this club. Here you have a beer :beer:

I don’t care about the dmg as much that I do care about fun rotation and class uniqueness :slight_smile:


HAHA, if Ikea sold these bad boys, I would be there once a week!

And I seem to have confused you with another forum member.
I could’ve sworn you were Serb!

Wait, this isn’t the cevap forum! My bad

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