Nobody Rolls a Character to play a Victim

Yes please. The Factor Wars are horrible. Blizzard has to be “fair” to both factions which means the writing for such a war will always be bad.

Instead of fighting amongst each other about who has it worse, we should instead focus on the cause of the issue: Blizzard focusing purely on hype rather than good storytelling. This is why us Hordies were turned into moustache-twirling villains, and why night elves became punching bags. Blizzard writes big game-changing events with no regard for the consequences, as if they do not realise that the momentary emotional response they get from them will not compensate for the long-term resentment for the story amongst many players.


they also pull these big story-changing moments out of their backsides with no regard for narrative consistency or cohesion, and have them written by people who neither understand the factions and races they’re writing nor the medium they’re working in

and that’s how you get BfA

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