Nocturnal - Twilights Hammer - EU

Nocturnal - Twilights Hammer - EU

Nocturnal was recently formed by a close knit group of friends from the north east of england with the aim of quickly clearing heroic Uldir and moving into Mythic. We're all experienced players with many years of raiding experience behind us, most of us raiding since vanilla. We are looking for mature, experienced players who are committed to performing at 100%. 18+, minimum ilvl 330

Currently needed - Melee + Ranged DPS, Healers

Our provisional raids nights are Mon, Wed, Thur from 8:30 - 10:30 server time.

/w Moistwipe in game or reply to the post and we will get in touch

I'm very interested in joining. The raid times fit perfectly for me as I've just had a son and we put him to bed at 7 (u.k time), So I'd be able to make it in time. I've been playing wow since TBC, and have raided as a tank, healer and ranged, this expansion I wanted to give Enhancement ago.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Awesome name BTW XD
Hey! Sorry ive been at work and only just got in. Ill drop you a message in game soon!
Added you in game, ill be on most of the night so give me a shout
Hiya me and my friend are interested if there is still interest in people joining your guild.
We are currently 356+ item level and have finished Ghunn normal and currently 3/8 on heroic and are looking to progress further.
We are also both from the Yorkshire and in our 20s

Kind Regards
Hi! Sorry for the slow reply! Are you still interested in joining?
Yeah we are still interested in joining (I’m the friend btw)
Still looking for more! Got some amazing new recruits
I'd be up for joining... cant get any of you guys online tho ;/
Added you in game!

Were now 7/8 normal and 4/8 heroic. Working on g'huun over the next few raids
Hey :) i'm interested in joining SpeedyDnB#2877 is my battle tag if needed to contact me.
Added you in game!
Bump Still looking for 4 Ranged DPS !
Hey guys, im a 31 yo casual player LF a home. Ive played wow since release. Raided most content on my mage.

I started maining DH since BfA.
I have restricted play times due RL. But just want to have a home for my DH and mage, play m+ with you guys and if my schedule allows, a raid.

Hope i can tag along, even if it is for social rank.
\Give me a /q in game on Moistwipe - twilights hammer - Ill add you then we can talk about what u wanna do with us !

Thanks !!!
or post your battletag and ill add u :)
bumpety bump