Nodes disappearing

This thing where nodes keep vanishing has to stop.


Its either phasing, or the node has already been mined out, which was implemented to stop chains of minerbots.

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It’s bs. I blow my 12h cd on a node and it just vanishes. Figure out a better way of catching bots.

When someone loots a node a short timer (I think it’s 60s) starts - on expiry of that timer (or sooner if 5 people or two groups loot it) it despawns. This is by design and not a bug.

Personally I agree that it’s both frustrating and a poor player experience to display nodes to us only for them to disappear as we interact with them ,and personally would prefer the system to be redesigned to be more player experience friendly.

The best way to provide feedback on how the game can be improved is directly to developers by using the in game suggestion from (Esc->support->Submit Bugs por Feedback->feedback).

EDIT: On the overload cooldown - be aware that nodes which spawn adds do despawn as soon as the add spawns - this can be avoided by mining/herbing it before overloading.

Its not a bug. Bots usually move in 5-10 groups. They instantly use up node on their layer and it disappears from other layers too.
Thats how it works since like forever