Nodes keep disappearing

Nodes show up on the map then as soon as I get near the node it vanishes. Actually, annoying as.

There’s three reasons this may be happening

  1. You’re unlucky enough to be two steps behind a miner/herbalist ahead of you on the same route

  2. You have/haven’t done the quests in a phased area and the node is in the other phase

  3. The node is in a cave below you/on a mesa or outcrop above you and as you get closer it resolves into “out of range”

Either way, I can understand your frustration! For me it’s the ones that you land, have to fight something and THEN the node disappears just as you turn to mine/herb it that are the OW!

I think it might be a mix of number 1/2 as I have only completed all the Qs on my main. Ty for the help.

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Same here.
I also found a major problem with this.

I saw a group off 10-15 druid bots hopping layer to layer mining the same node over and over on different layers.
After they mined it they stealthed and “dissapeared”, untill I aciddentally joined another layer through my guildie and Oh look, there they are again! And now they are stealthing again.


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