Non deserved KICKS from RDF and 30 min ban!

I was in a dungeon with lvls 85 (with some gear) and i was 84.

I was doing 70% of their dmg, did nothing, no ninja and i get kicked, i suppose of dmg (which i CANT make without gear on lvl 85).

In addition i see (didnt played cata+ expansions) you get 30 min deserter ban!

This is double unfairness and madness.

You can get undesrved kick, ok u waste dungeon time/dont gent items you can loot and you get (noone approve that its fair or not) u get instant 30 min ban?

What the hell is that?
If you cant JUDGE kick is fair not atleast dont make 100% kick situations always deserter ban!!!
Deserter is person who leave dungeon, from definition of word deserter. I wanted to do dungeon, i was kicked for nothing and i cant go other dungeon for 30 min aswell.

You employers of blizard have 0 respect for players
You value your time and want to get pension for your work.
But you dont value my cash i give you for possibility to play and value my time i spend for dungeons and later ban for dungeon.


Just like you said. You underperformef and 4 other people decides that kick was warranted.

Next time Play better


There is always 1 which underperform. Gtfo with this statement. He was 84, which means they didn’t even do HC, just normal. If 85s can’t clear Normal Dungeons at a very high speed, then they should be the ones who needs to be kicked out.

Is not about playing better is gear vs gear. Level vs Level. But you know that and just acting like a little “pro” kid.


technicaly him as 84 can easily outperform fresh level 85 due to scaling down of stats with each level.

the discussion is pointless - in their eyes he was underperforming and he got kick.

only fact matter

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This is not Retail you … :))))))))))))))))


See? I knew you are full of …Bip!


EXACLTY! You know nothing.

Go “home” …

Geez, with whom am I wasting my time. Retail players on Classic …


Seems you are one of that egoistic retarded people.

Tryhard 85 lvls which are geared kicking lower lvls which physically impossible to get same dmg without gear they are trying to loot.

Being kicked for trying to get xp/gear for physically impossible thing proves that people selfish and social immature do kind of this thing.

In casual normal dungeon before 85, not any raid.

Second hand is game that give u bans for dungeons, because you are not doing dmg without gear, which you try to get from dungeons to start making it? Its most idiot thing i ever heard, but scary there are people like you.

the third thing is simple culture, not being a tryhard, not sweating just to do a dungeon one minute faster, which is already going very quickly. It’s still just a game and on the other side there is an ordinary person who has the right (if there are new people) to learn. Lets kick this person out, give her ban because we are sweaty ogres in the basement, we have been playing this for 20 years and minmax normal dungeon and people who dont do dmg because they dont have gear they try to loot.

I despise s on people like you and it’s a pity there are no servers named “antisocial tryhard people”


Exactly! She ( or He ) even said that left groups , many times because they didn’t vote kick the person she ( or he ) wanted to kick and so , /ragequit that group.

Ignorance and arrogance and…based on her ( his ) comments as a whole, I dare to say narcissist.

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sadly. thanks for understanding

here is where we differ.

because i dont think about people like you at all.

for me you are just one of thousands of pseudo-npc drones i meet in wow dungeons . you are no different then npc giving me quest in game :slight_smile:

and so you are to most of other wow players

why should anyone car bout you if you are not in their guild ?

and even if you are in the same guild but dont do dungeons / raids with someone on regular bases - again you are no different then npc to them .

and yes those servers would be ultra popular if they ever appeared :slight_smile:

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you call ragequit but in most cases its more of calm calculation with 0 elements of rage.

rather its resigantion that other dont mind putting up with that :slight_smile:

i would personaly much rather bite the deserter debuff nd iehter log in alt or do somethign else either in retail or in mop remix or even watch netflix over not having fun being in group X or Y .

games are supposed to be fun not frustrating :slight_smile: so ofc i leave groups when they have potential to be frustrating.

you are sad narcist unsocial guy, im done of even responding for this thrashtalk you write.
keep getting sweat and get excited about your tryhard

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as you can see, you feed your swollen ego with minmax, anyone who lags behind in percentage terms is worse, someone needs to get gear is worse, someone is new, they need to be kicked out, banned and learn to play, I can play, I won’t look at others

But telling a narcissist that he is a narcissist and selfish is like telling a thief not to steal.

I despise anti-social, mentally immature people like you

P.S. One minute u save for kicking someone who does 80% of team dmg you spend for looking for other person. This same person can do too 80% or have no gear. so u just make confusion, wasting other people’s time, giving a 30-minute dungeon ban.

that proof you are not only immature narcist but also low IQ person

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can 't you read? he was the only one who wasn’t 85 :clown_face:

You guys sure like to feed retarded trolls

Hes not wrong though. 84 - 85 ding is a massive secondary stat % loss but only a bit of a gain in primary stats.

Wont comment on his other points.

On topic i dont see a reason to kick someone in a dungeon you will definitely complete for just lower damage, sadly though it only takes 3/4 yes.

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