Non-rated BG Blitz

I would really like to see a version of BG Blitz that was exactly like the brawl was. No rating. A little bit of item scaling to put everybody on equal footing. Faster mount speed, different ruleset. Solo Q (or 1 dps + a healer).

I recall playing the brawl non-stop and casually. I could gather honor gear and take on people with conquest gear easily in that mode. There was no pressure to gear up. I could pick it up like quick play in Overwatch. Just a casual gamemode to play. I’d even love to see an Epic version of it at some point.

There’s no experience like it. In Random Battlegrounds and Random Epic Battlegrounds, it’s a lot of pre-mades and it’s plain annoying and straight up unfair. The only time it’s fun is when you’re a rogue, able to stay out of sight when you’re dealing with a premade.

The current BG Blitz, that they have made rated, is alright I guess. There’s no scaling, and it functions identically to how I recall it being when it was still a non-rated brawl. But I really despise the high-end, competitive WoW PvP. It’s just not a fun experience in the slightest. There’s so many people trying so hard on shutting you down. As a shadow priest, I cannot get a single cast off in a match above 1600 rating. Even if your entire team is there, they’ll shut you down asap and keep you interrupted or stunned.

Obviously that’s because I’m dealing with more skilled players. And that’s fine. I don’t blame them. I blame the game. The way the game is set up to straight up annoy you and shut you out of playing your character. At least in Random Battlegrounds and the non-rated version of BG Blitz (and the lower ratings of the current BG Blitz), this was less of an issue.

It’s quite likely that I’ll get comments thrown at me like: Skill issue. Or something even worse. I don’t care. I’m playing casually, for fun. I want to log into the game, queue up and not be put in a lobby with sweatlords all the time. And the only gamemode that facilitated that got snatched away and was given to the sweatlords.

And let’s be clear here… it’s fine if people want to play super competitive, have sweaty matches and have everything super fast paced and make epic plays. It’s good that those people get catered to. I just feel like casual PvP has been neglected for so long, Blizzard could’ve easily left us that brawl bg blitz to play with.


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