Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

Yet it is the off realm oocel that cries for the game to be thrown while the role player carries to victory :pensive:

You weren’t carrying, though, your stats are average. You just get more killing blows because it’s easier to as a ranged class.

I only play survival hunter =)

Be that as it may you have people in the BG with twice your damage. They’re the ones who carried. They just didn’t get last hits.

hmm idk oocel because they’re the ones who were trying to throw the game until I stepped in

How were they throwing the game if they did 2-3 times your damage?

Logic = ??

Playing the objectives is more important than being the big dps man anyway and even then some classes and specs are outright better at it than most anyway.

Because the game started with them crying in chat about how the game is already lost, just throw it quickly so we can get out of here faster

and I said nah and kept actually playing the game and carrying

I know it’s hard to wrap your head around but I’m sure if you try hard enough you’ll get there

You’d think an OOCer/even an average player would know that damage does not equal winning or anything at all honestly.

Or are you one of those players who links recount in Ragefire chasm at lvl 10-15?

It means a lot in a BG, actually. Hella more than last hitting people

Lol you think you convinced 39 players to not throw the game with average stats?

Not gonna lie that was my entire LFR experience levelling an alt of mine

I’d like to say the following to any “OOCer” or “RPer” that goes out of his or her way to ruin another’s experience;

If your entire purpose is to ruin someone’s day because you are bored, then maybe you should just log out and have a long hard look at yourself and how you spend your time. Or just go play an FPS game and vent your frustration there.

Be a decent Human being for a change. I’m sure it’ll be a novel experience for you and you might actually feel better.

That said, most of my IRL friends re-rolled or transferred their mains to AD in WotLK. They don’t RP in WoW, only PvE/PvP but never disrupted RP. They said they prefer now RP servers as the people are more mature and less toxic.

Bottom line, just play the part of the game you want and don’t be a little bitter brain-dead idiot.


You seem to be confusing Moonglade with Moon Guard.

also if you look at the BGs in question, they’re Ashran, AV anniversary and that cooking brawl where the objectives are to kill the enemy players to push to their boss (Ashran), kill the enemy players and push to their boss but also cap towers along the way (AV) which I did, and deny the enemy player from depositing their vegetables into the cauldron which is accomplished by. . . . . killing the enemy players and taking their vegetables yourself

it’s almost like as if killing players in those game types was the objective :flushed:

Yeah the Ashran game I joined was being farmed to hell by the Alliance and the Horde players were just hanging around in the base not contributing until I came along

Same happened with the AV and cooking brawl games because muh role players are ruining my game ((he says while throwing the game))

Like considering the average content and tone of your posts, it might come across as a surprise sometimes that other players are capable of being social players and team work without resorting to toxic communication like the average Outland and Kazzak player

Why are you still arguing with him? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: He is just some random guy hiding behind an alt. Who cares?

posting at him is the forum equivalent of ganking lowbies ((if i were on a pvp realm))

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Waste of time, man. Better things to do than this. Like watching grass grow, or grind rep (both offer the same amount of fun anyway).

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But also the classic alt poster is turning a new shade of pink with every post.


I probably am

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