Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

The REP grind is super fun trying to grind to unlock the race for your main isn’t soul crushing at all

There are a lot of alt-right comments on this thread. SMH. :pensive:

I’ll take alt right over far left anyday of the week

See? There you go. More fun than paying attention to some guy hiding behind an alt trying to troll others because he is [insert reason here].

In the end, OOCer or RPer, an @sshole is an @sshole. “OOCers” won’t ruin the server unless we allow them to do that. Most “OOCers” are on AD for other reasons, not to piss on Role Players. Ignore the trolls, report them, gank them, whatever.

The server will not get trashed by OOCers. Bad game content and Blizz- no, ActiVision’s policies are more of a threat to any community than a few bored idiots looking for a few cheap laughs at the expense of Role Players.

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You don’t, like, get it man…

He’s a top tier RPer. He like… /cheers after killing an Alliance player.

Dude… he probably even hops on a bed before he logs out…

You weren’t killing them with your damage, though. Just last hitting and probably stealing kills from that guy who did 45 MIL to your 16 MIL damage.

Yes, roleplayers are noted for how well they function in society, that’s why people never mock roleplaying and AD has such a great reputation.

:crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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Seeing your guild I have to ask are you going to steal my relics

We already have… Tactical Marine sounds

revs chainsword On a tide of justice we ride for Sanguinius return our relics vile magpies

In the immortal words of a King long ago… “Come and get them.”

charges in blood angel

…obscure Warhammer 40000 reply here detailing an over-complicated rule when a Charge move is declared by the enemy player that also includes the name of another Blizzard game title…


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I’ll take the part that’s an RP realm without non RPers.

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Well you’ll have to get your own private server then… and only invite folks you want onto it.

Since there never was a ‘you have to RP’ rule to roll on an RP server.

That said if the numbers keep dwindling, we might end up just being a generic server anyway, like how they got rid of the PVP servers.

Anything to save a few dollars.

thinking emoticon

don’t think PvP was ever optional on PvP servers either!

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Well you could just not fight back, just like they can not RP back?

I mean going by the PVP server mechanics, there is nothing preventing you from going up to any OOCer you choose and RPing at them.

Rp your heart out, heck go full ham and get some macros in there to better RP, but well, rules wise they do not have to respond, no?

lol in 10 characters


sorry i think rynore gave the only appropriate response to your post

Then keep crying and moaning, the OOCers aren’t breaking any rules by not RPing, like them, dislike them, there really isn’t anything you can do about it that will get rid of them, that won’t get you banned long before it takes effect.

Now if they start griefing, then they get banned, same as Roleplayers who do the same over grudges and ERP gone sour and so on.

i think you said something similar about Räbies’ name or otherwise tried to defend it.