Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

If you’d of linked the… link, that would have been way more helpful, than going

“Hey read the entire thread, one of the links isn’t a badly done meme but an actual response from a GM”

I gave up after the third ‘rage face’ meme.

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reading up on a discussion before partaking in it shouldn’t need to be asked to begin with, avocado.


Maybe don’t do that and read the thread properly before commenting on it. Otherwise you might, I don’t know, argue a point that’s already been resolved. Food for thought.

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am i going crazy or is that link different colours

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That’s an advice you should take yourself, Tehya. :upside_down_face:

It is strangely multi-coloured, dare you to click it, if you ge hijacked we’ll totally send help.

Damn I Could Swear Someone Just Replied To Me Here But I Don’t See It… Haha…


With… Preformatted text I think? ` in a pair?

i thought i saw someone too but… guess they weren’t relevant enough to see…



Watcha gonna do ?

kill u irl

You know that is gonna be a pain to clean up after right

worth it tho

Eh you say that till you try get blood out of carpets

“still got a ton of popcorn, 3 copper a bag! 4 bags for 10 copper!”
“Popcorn 3 copper a bag, come and get it!”

Give me 4 bags go heavy on the Butter or an overly articulate troll warlock I know will summon a demon in your nose

“Four bags of popcorn, heavy on the butter! That’s 10 copper”

“Got two bags left! Get your popcorn here 4 copper a bag!”

*gives you 10 copper * mmmmmm buttery popcorn

what has this thread become

i am so sorry vashava

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Don’t worry, she gets 20% of the popcorn sales.