Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

Earthen Ring, Sha’tar, Defias Brotherhood and all the other realms emptied out because RP was no longer sustainable there due to the griefing and harassing on behalf of OOCers driving a lot of the population out, as more OOCers joined the realm to fill the gap left behind, snowballing to more RPers leaving.

That’s why RP died out on those realms and migrated to Argent Dawn, the last RP realm that’s left for active RP. People didn’t just up and left one day and the OOCers coincidentally just happened to roll in for unrelated reasons because oocers did nothing wrong :blush: :blush: :blush:

They did everything wrong.


Prove it, don’t just claim it. I played on ER for years and I never came across this as a problem that forced me to change realms.

See the accounts from a lot of people repeating their own experiences of this happening every single time this same topic crops up, some of them again visible in this very same thread and the one before it.


Translation: “It never happened to me, therefore it didn’t happen at all, to anyone, ever.”


I’m from ER. It wasn’t the only problem but OOCers griefing events was an issue for sure. I had OOCers crashing events that I ran.


Or the other way about. “it happened to me therefore that must have been what happened to everyone” :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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Haven’t seen this in years, and anyone that tries it generally gets ignored / shoved out in some way

If I were DM’ing an event for my guild and somebody that seemed like a relatively decent roleplayer happened upon us, I’d involve them - unexpected events like this are sometimes fun. However, no roleplayer is obligated to include somebody in their event, and you can’t strongarm them into it

This is generally tied to the quality of the roleplayer; as I mentioned in the next part of my post, new roleplayers are great and people should always welcome them, but the people that refuse to learn and deliberately do things in roleplay with the intent to hamper the enjoyment of others are low quality

New roleplayers are fantastic and I will always welcome them with open arms / attempt to help them where they can (providing they accept the help - some people very much despise the notion of being helped along, even if the intent is genuine)

Absolutely based take on the brackets though - nobody should be filling up IC channels with OOC chatter at any point, and it’s why we have whisper / party chat / guild chat / messaging

Also absolutely unbased & people shouldn’t do it, I agree

It seems we agree on a few things, but I still think that OOC players as a group are notably more detrimental to Argent Dawn than they are beneficial; it only takes a small group of OOC players who are invested enough in ruining the enjoyment of others to have a reasonably large impact

You do seem to have an OK head on you with some of the points you made though


No Rper should expect that if they are doing a bubbled event in a main RP hub that people shouldn’t take interest and walk up and get involved. Seen it enough times where people walk up, try to get involved and just get ghosted.

shut up zariael

I think it’s cool to involve people personally, but if somebody doesn’t want to provide roleplaying content for somebody they don’t know whatsoever then I don’t think anybody can really force the person hosting the event to do so

i.e. if a server-wide campaign was hosted and it was specifically designed with a sign-up system in mind, I don’t think people that show up thereafter half way through the campaign without having tried to sign themselves up are entitled to the ongoing roleplay; it can at times largely unbalance numbers and alter plans


go to a thread made by your fellow oocel and complain we won’t tolerate people who ruin rp realms

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Guessing you’re a roof Rper.

tfw im not even alliance

Oh so the usual contrarian OOC sympathiser?

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You’re 100% right, it is cool to involve anyone who wants to get involved. But it’s stupid for people to be in a busy area and ghost others as if they’re not there because it doesn’t fit their story. Why host it in a busy area like Stormwind then?

Apparently so, yes. One that can’t grasp context either. Very selective in choosing what parts of my OP mattered.


There’s no respect to spare for OOCers who claim to know what the server needs/doesn’t need.

What the server needs is for these people to disappear from it, so that the true chads of the realm can enjoy our Eden without having it being sullied by snakes such as yourselves.


Hi, Zariael.

Do you run raids?


I don’t think a great many events are hosted in Stormwind to begin with (to my knowledge)

I will agree however that if you’re making an event in a city like that then you should - if nothing else - at least expect outside roleplayers to try and involve themselves

No, go check my raid history. Last raid I completed as normal content was in WoD. Im guessing that since I have a different opinion i must not RP.

However, can I ask you not to ask about my personal WoW life outside of RP, it will derail the thead thanks.